About Equality
Aberystwyth University are committed to developing and promoting equality and diversity in all our practices and activities. We aim to work, study and provide an inclusive culture, free from discrimination and upholding the values of respect, dignity and courtesy. Every person has the right to be treated in accordance with these values.
We are committed to advancing equality on the grounds of age, disability, sex and sexual orientation, gender reassignment, race, religion and belief (including lack of belief), marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, and to embrace intersectionality and raise awareness between and across different groups.
All AU policies for staff and students apply to the entire Aberystwyth University community (so, for example, family friendly policies apply to all staff, regardless of sexual orientation; this is the same for our Dignity and Respect policy, and for all policies in the University.) Please get in contact if you have any queries or, for staff, see the HR website.
If you require any of the following information in an alternative format, e.g. Braille, Audio Transcriptions, etc., please contact Dylan Jones on 01970 628424 or equality@aber.ac.uk
Promoting equality is more than a statement of how the University will meet the statutory requirements. We strive to ensure that students, staff and visitors embrace equality and diversity as an essential part of how we operate and to embed this way of working in everything we do. Our Strategic Equality Plan objectives were derived from staff and student consultations, surveys and focus groups demonstrating that Equality matters to our whole community.
The Equal Opportunities Policy can be accessed below: