Ms Tanya Rogers
BSc (Joint Hons) Psychology & Sociology; PGCE Adult and Secondary Education; MSc Psychological Research Methods (Distinction); FHEA

Development Officer / Executive Producer
Department of Information Studies
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 3.39, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622795
- I am a qualified and experienced teacher for Higher Education, Further Education, and Secondary Education.
- My professional expertise is in learning design, especially for distance learning. As Development Officer: Executive Producer in open and distance learning in the Department of Information Studies (DIS), I work with an expert team of colleagues,to:
- Manage the development, design, and delivery of distance learning content
- Coordinate CPD (Continuing Professional Development) course development and delivery
- Provide advice and consultancy on learning design, policy, student support, system support, and strategy for distance learning
- … and I:
- Personal tutor for distance learners (undergraduate and postgraduate)
- Teach (research ethics; quantitative research methods; learning design; information literacy; academic skills; … )
- Mentor and train staff internally and externally
- Offer consultancy and training (UK and internationally) in the design and development of distance learning courses, e.g.: Ford Motor Company & University East Anglia; ATP IBERS; The Britten Pears Foundation with The Music Libraries Trust & IAML; Antiquarian Booksellers Association; KEF funded Mid-Wales Business Online Support Service (BOSS); NOF funded ICT Training Wales; …etc.
Additional Information
- 1993 a founding member for the Department's Open Learning Unit (OLU) - set up to develop, support and promote high-quality education through open and distance learning - based on the principles of flexible student-centred learning.
- University: I continue (part-time) to develop distance learning policy, content, support systems; expand CPD provision; and work with those interested in developing distance learning. I am a member of EDEN European Distance and E-Learning Network; and Fellow of HEA.
- Farming: Outside part-time University work, I am a tenant farmer on a remote hill farm; a working farm; employing 30+ seasonal staff & students. Farmed in partnership with nature; we are custodians of:
- the heritage of hardy native livestock
- the SSSI habitat of the whole farm
- Member of farming & environment groups e.g. FWAG; NFFN, TFA, steward committee member the Royal Welsh.
Aspire Admin
- ILM8220 - Collection Management
- ILM2020 - Access, outreach and advocacy
- ILM2410 - Archives and Records - Practical Project
- PGM3410 - Using Manuscript Sources for Medieval Studies: palaeography and diplomatic
- GS01120 - Information in a Post-Truth World
- IL20420 - Record Revolutions: A Cultural History of Record Keeping
- ILM1820 - Medieval and Post -Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- ILM2610 - Recordkeeping Theories and Contexts
- PGM1210 - Manuscript Skills: Post Medieval Palaeographic and Diplomatic
- ILM4120 - Post Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- IL20320 - Museums in the 21st Century
- IL20620 - Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- IL10120 - Foundations of Information Studies
- IL20220 - Information in a Changing World
- ILM1460 - Dissertation
- ILM5120 - Information and Society
- ILM2120 - Collections Care
- ILM5420 - Information Services: Planning for Delivery
- ILM5220 - Studies in Management
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- ILM8120 - Rare Books and Special Collections
- ILM8620 - Knowledge and Information Architecture
- ILM2220 - Digital and Audio-visual Collections
- ILM2520 - Recordkeeping Process and Practice
- IL10320 - The Cultural Heritage Landscape
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- IL11120 - The Archival Inheritance
- IL33920 - Local Studies and Community Heritage
- IL30120 - Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
- IL30340 - Dissertation
- ILM3220 - Digital Information Literacy
- IL10120 - Foundations of Information Studies
- IL10320 - The Cultural Heritage Landscape
- IL20220 - Information in a Changing World
- ILM1460 - Dissertation
- ILM2120 - Collections Care
- IL20320 - Museums in the 21st Century
- IL20620 - Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management
- ILM1820 - Medieval and Post -Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- ILM8120 - Rare Books and Special Collections
- ILM8620 - Knowledge and Information Architecture
- ILM2610 - Recordkeeping Theories and Contexts
- ILM2520 - Recordkeeping Process and Practice
- IL20420 - Record Revolutions: A Cultural History of Record Keeping
- ILM2020 - Access, outreach and advocacy
- ILM2220 - Digital and Audio-visual Collections
- ILM2410 - Archives and Records - Practical Project
- ILM8220 - Collection Management
- ILM4120 - Post Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- ILM5220 - Studies in Management
- ILM5420 - Information Services: Planning for Delivery
- ILM5120 - Information and Society
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- IL11120 - The Archival Inheritance
- IL30120 - Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
- IL33920 - Local Studies and Community Heritage
- IL30340 - Dissertation
- ILM3220 - Digital Information Literacy
Course Builder
- Undergraduate & Postgraduate:
- Learning Design
- Research Ethics
- Research Methods
- Literacy & Learning
- Academic Skills & Presentation Skills
- Evaluation of Learning Design
- Professional research interests include: Learning design; Learning analytics; Models of distance learner support; Assessment methods for reflective workplace practice
- Evidence-based practice (grey literature): ongoing data analysis for workplace practice e.g.:
- Rogers, T., & Nelson, J. (2014) Data analysis of distance learner tracking database - Intakes 2009-2013 for all UG & PG distance learning courses, Aberystwyth, Open Learning Unit, Department of Information Studies, Aberystwyth University.
- Rogers, T., Jenkins, J., Lithgow, S., Nelson, J., Spittle, M., Taylor, M. (2014) ‘Distance learners are different, so what makes for successful distance learning?’, joint OLU & ATP discussion forum and paper, HEA Future Directions Conference, Aberystwyth, 2nd April 2014.
- Some early distance initiative publications:
- Rogers, T., and Nelson, J. ‘Supporting open and distance learners with computer conferencing: potential benefits and barriers.’ Psychology Learning and Teaching, 2(2), December 2002: 127-133.
- Rogers, T. and Roberts, H. ‘Supporting distance learners: the Aberystwyth model’, Proceedings of Current Issues in Distance Learning, Loughborough, 15th-16th January 1998. Flexible Learning Initiative, UK.
- Urquhart, C., Hornby, S., Rogers, T., and Bawden, D. ‘The health information practitioner as learner and educator’, Education for Information, 16(1), Spring 1998.
- Barber, J. and Rogers, T. ‘Aberystwyth at a distance’. Flexibility in course provision in higher education news, January 1994.
- Manage the development, design, and delivery of distance learning content and resources
- Oversee the quality, consistency, and standard of distance learning content
- Coordinate CPD Short Courses (Continuing Professional Development)
- Offer advice and consultancy on learning/instructional design, and distance learning strategy, policy, support, and service delivery
- Personal tutor (distance learners)
- Teach (research ethics; quantitative research methods; learning design; information literacy; academic skills; … )
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Thursday 14:00-16:00
- Friday 10:00-12:00