Dr Pauline Rafferty
MA (Hons)(Glasgow); MSc (Strathclyde); PhD (Nottingham); PGCED (Northumbria); MCLIP

Senior Lecturer
Department of Information Studies
Contact Details
- Email: pmr@aber.ac.uk
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622926
- Research Portal Profile
I joined the Department in January 2007. Before that I taught in the Department of Information Science, City University, London, and in the School of Information Studies and Department of Media and Communication at the University of Central England, Birmingham. My first teaching post was in the University of Northumbria. Before moving into teaching I worked in information research and media librarianship.
I read H.G. Wells, George Orwell, Roland Barthes, and golden age detective fiction. I listen to Steely Dan, The Blue Nile, Capercaillie and anyone singing Cole Porter, and I love the night train from London to Scotland, particularly when I end up in Kilchattan Bay.
Additional Information
Professional Activities
Member of CILIP and ISKO
Joint Editor of Journal of Information Science
Module Coordinator
- DS32620 - Marketing of Services
- DS24110 - Human Communication
- DSM8010 - Collection Management
- DS30810 - Focus on the Child:Reading and Libraries
- DS31020 - Collection Management
- DSM7820 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- DSM8810 - Focus on the Child : Reading and Libraries
- DS33320 - Research Methodology
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- IL30120 - Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
- DSM0220 - School Libraries and Learning Resources
- DS30420 - School Libraries and Learning Resources
- ILM8220 - Collection Management
- ILM2220 - Digital and Audio-visual Collections
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- ILM1460 - Dissertation
- ILM8620 - Knowledge and Information Architecture
- IL20620 - Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- IL10120 - Foundations of Information Studies
- ILM5420 - Information Services: Planning for Delivery
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- ILM5220 - Studies in Management
- ILM5120 - Information and Society
- ILM3220 - Digital Information Literacy
- IL30340 - Dissertation
My current teaching and research interests are in the areas of image analysis, multimedia information retrieval and indexing, social tagging, and critical communication and information studies, particularly subject analysis, interpretation and semiotics; representations of knowledge, and classification theory; structuralist and semiotic approaches to modelling culture as "human sciences". I am also interested in critical theory approaches to popular culture.