Mrs Nina Docking BA (Hons) History

Academic Registry Manager - Faculty of Business & Physical Sciences
Contact Details
- Email:
- Office: 3.15, Penbryn Building 5
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 622731
I am a Kiwi happily calling Wales home. I enjoy photography and kayaking; completed a History degree with Aber and am writing a book on the McMurdo family during the Victorian era.
Attendance Dept Admin
- PGM5060 - Pilot Doctoral Enquiry Project
- ILM2610 - Recordkeeping Theories and Contexts
- ILM5420 - Information Services: Planning for Delivery
- PGM3410 - Using Manuscript Sources for Medieval Studies: palaeography and diplomatic
- ILM5220 - Studies in Management
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- IL20320 - Museums in the 21st Century
- ILM2020 - Access, outreach and advocacy
- ILM8120 - Rare Books and Special Collections
- ILM2220 - Digital and Audio-visual Collections
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- ILM2120 - Collections Care
- ILM8220 - Collection Management
- ILM1820 - Medieval and Post -Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- IL20220 - Information in a Changing World
- IL20620 - Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management
- ILM4120 - Post Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- ILM8620 - Knowledge and Information Architecture
- IL10320 - The Cultural Heritage Landscape
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- IL20420 - Record Revolutions: A Cultural History of Record Keeping
- ILM2410 - Archives and Records - Practical Project
- IL11120 - The Archival Inheritance
- ILM1460 - Dissertation
- GS01120 - Information in a Post-Truth World
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- PGM1210 - Manuscript Skills: Post Medieval Palaeographic and Diplomatic
- ILM2520 - Recordkeeping Process and Practice
- ILM5120 - Information and Society
- IL10120 - Foundations of Information Studies
- IL30120 - Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
- IL33920 - Local Studies and Community Heritage
- IL30340 - Dissertation
- ILM3220 - Digital Information Literacy
Blackboard Dept Admin
- ILM2610 - Recordkeeping Theories and Contexts
- ILM5320 - Information Organisation and Retrieval
- ILM5420 - Information Services: Planning for Delivery
- IL20220 - Information in a Changing World
- IL20320 - Museums in the 21st Century
- ILM2410 - Archives and Records - Practical Project
- PGM5060 - Pilot Doctoral Enquiry Project
- PGM3410 - Using Manuscript Sources for Medieval Studies: palaeography and diplomatic
- ILM4120 - Post Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- IL20420 - Record Revolutions: A Cultural History of Record Keeping
- GS01120 - Information in a Post-Truth World
- ILM5120 - Information and Society
- ILM5220 - Studies in Management
- IL11120 - The Archival Inheritance
- ILM1460 - Dissertation
- ILM2520 - Recordkeeping Process and Practice
- PGM1210 - Manuscript Skills: Post Medieval Palaeographic and Diplomatic
- ILM8620 - Knowledge and Information Architecture
- PGM4510 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1710)
- ILM2020 - Access, outreach and advocacy
- ILM2120 - Collections Care
- ILM2220 - Digital and Audio-visual Collections
- PGM4820 - Orientation in Professional Research
- ILM8220 - Collection Management
- IL10520 - Effective Communication
- PGM4420 - Qualitative Data Collection and Analysis (1120)
- ILM1820 - Medieval and Post -Medieval Palaeography and Diplomatic
- ILM8120 - Rare Books and Special Collections
- IL10120 - Foundations of Information Studies
- IL10320 - The Cultural Heritage Landscape
- IL20620 - Resource Discovery and Digital Information Management
- IL33920 - Local Studies and Community Heritage
- IL30120 - Collection Management and Development in Heritage Organisations
- IL30340 - Dissertation
- ILM3220 - Digital Information Literacy
All students (DL UG & PG, on-campus UG & PG, research) - Information Studies