
A Wall.E Robot

The Department of Computer Science collaborates as part of a continuing effort to bring computer science to the wider community, showcase our cutting-edge research, and inspire young people to develop an interest in computing.

We work with other academic institutions and personnel, local schools, and software development organisations, for example. From robots on the beach to a robotic orchestra on the BBC and our Artcic Monkeys-loving dancing AI iCub, our outreach activities bring computer science to life and enthrall audiences of all ages.

Schools Engagement

Members of the Department of Computer Science frequently interact with local schools and colleges to entertain and inform students with our talks and workshops, including:

  • Artificial Intelligence: what is 'intelligence'? Can a machine be intelligent?
  • Building a Webpage
  • What is a Robot?
  • Humanoid Robots
  • Lego Mindstorms
  • Animation with Scratch.

Contact our Outreach Officer, Tally Roberts, for more information on nar25@aber.ac.uk or view our available workshops.

Outreach Hub

The Outreach Hub offers a variety of online educational resources available for teachers, students and parents/guardians. These materials are aimed at a range of age groups and include home experiments, worksheets, projects, challenges, research topics, webinars, puzzles, lesson materials and more.

Robotics Club

Members of the department also run the Aberystwyth Robotics Club, supported by the Infinity Exhibition. It's an after school club hosted by Aberystwyth University. For more information, visit their webpage.

BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium

The BSCWomen Lovelace Colloquium is an annual one-day conference for women students studying in computing or related subjects. Since 2008, the event has provided a platform for undergraduate and Masters students to share their ideas, network and receive a number of valuable talks from significant figures in both the computing industry and academia.

BCS Events

The Department works with the Mid-Wales branch of BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT. The branch holds meetings on topics in computing and also Show & Tell events. These meetings are an ideal opportunity to learn more about different areas of the industry and talk about the issues in an informal setting. The branch committee contains members of staff, students and professionals from industry.