Equality and diversity

The Department of Computer Science is committed to developing and promoting equality and diversity in all our practices and activities.
Computer Science holds an Athena SWAN Bronze award, renewed until July 31 2029, and are committed to promoting gender equality across our department, advancing the careers of women in science and technology. Several of our lecturers are part of the University’s institutional Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team.
We aim to provide an inclusive culture for all our staff and students, free from discrimination and upholding the values of respect, dignity and courtesy. Every person has the right to be treated in accordance with these values.
We ensure that our women students are allocated women personal tutors.
We actively engage in outreach at schools and public engagement events across the country, giving everyone the chance to learn about computing.
In addition:
- We have set up an inclusion blog to communicate the department’s work around equalities, diversity and inclusion. It was first used to celebrate the success of female computer scientists on International Women’s Day 2021
- In 2018, we hosted the first Women in Tech Cymru annual conference
- We have been hosting EESW Girls Into Engineering university visit days since 2017
- Since 2016, we have held events to mark International Women's Day
- We ran the BCSWomen Lovelace Colloquium, a national one-day conference for undergraduate women in computing, for over 10 years and still have two staff on the conference organising team..
- Aber Comp Sci Women: we have a private Facebook group, Discord server and mailing list which all women in the department are invited to join; we hold socials and meet-ups throughout the year
- We have three Equalities Champions within our department: Christine Zarges, Angharad Shaw, and Emmanuel Isibor.
- The Athena Swan contact for computer science is Hannah Dee, who is also chair of the EDI committee.