Dr Tamsin Davies MA (Edinburgh), MSc (Belfast), PhD (Wales)

Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Branch Officer
Centre for Welsh Language Services
Language Skills Tutor Co-ordinator
Contact Details
- Email: ted@aber.ac.uk
- ORCID: 0009-0007-9219-3952
- Office: Penbryn Building
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 628766
- Research Portal Profile
Please note: The Welsh version of this profile contains additional or more detailed information.
Module Coordinator
- MOR0120 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- CY11020 - Ymwneud â'ch pwnc yn Gymraeg: sgiliau dwyieithog ar gyfer y brifysgol a'r gweithle
- MOR2210 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
- CY11020 - Ymwneud â'ch pwnc yn Gymraeg: sgiliau dwyieithog ar gyfer y brifysgol a'r gweithle
- MOR0510 - Dulliau Darllen
- MOR0120 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
- MOR2210 - Sgiliau Ymchwil a Datblygiad Personol
Course Builder
Office Hours (Student Contact Times)
- Thursday 16.00-17.00
Davies, T 2008, 'University–Industry Links and Regional Development: Thinking beyond Knowledge Spillovers', Geography Compass, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 1058–1074. 10.1111/j.1749-8198.2008.00124.x
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