Welsh Language Standards

Welsh Universities are required to comply with the Welsh Language Standards (No. 6) Regulations 2017 which was established under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011. The Welsh Language Standards explain how the University is expected to provide specific services through the medium of Welsh, ensuring that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language.

Compliance Notice - Welsh Language Standards

A compliance notice is the legal document which notes which standards (duties) an organisation must comply with, and by when. 

Compliance Notice Aberystwyth University - Section 44 Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011

Aberystwyth University's Welsh Language Standards

This document explains how the University will comply with each standard.

Aberystwyth University's Welsh Language Standards 

Arrangements for Overseeing Welsh Language Standards

This document explains how the University monitors the implementation of the Standards.

Arrangements for Overseeing the Welsh Language Standards 2024

Complaints Procedure

This page explains how one can complain about failure to comply with the Standards and the University's procedure for dealing with the complaint.

Complaints Procedure 

Complaint Form

Staff Summary of AU Welsh Language Standards

A brief description of the Standards that staff must comply with

Staff Summary of AU Welsh Language Standards