
The Coleg offers financial support to both undergraduate and postgraduate students. A number of the University’s degree schemes in a variety of academic disciplines are eligible for one of the Coleg’s scholarships.

For a complete list of courses eligible for scholarship at Aberystwyth, please see our Welsh-medium prospectus.  Information is also available on the Coleg Cymraeg course search engine.

Scholarship holders will have the opportunity to work towards the Coleg's Language Skills Certificate qualification.

Undergraduate Scholarships

Lead Scholarships

The Lead Scholarships are worth £3000 (£1000 a year) and are offered to students studying 80 credits or more per year through the medium of Welsh.  Applicants must sit our Entrance Scholarship Exam in order to be considered for one of the the Coleg's Lead Scholarships at Aberystwyth University. They should complete the relevant appendix on the scholarship application form to register for the exam. Coleg Cymraeg Lead Scholarships awarded by one institution are not transferrable to different institution.

Incentive Scholarships

The Coleg also offers Incentive Scholarships worth £1500 (£500 a year) and these are available on courses where there is an opportunity to study 40 credits per year through the medium of Welsh. There is no need to sit an exam for the Incentive Scholarships.

For further details about how to apply and for application forms, please visit the student section on the Coleg's website.

Don’t forget about the University’s Scholarships, Bursaries and Awards.  Further information can be found here.

Research Scholarships

The College’s Research Scholarship Scheme provides a subsistence grant and fees - which is equivalent to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) post-graduate scholarships – to prospective academics who are studying for a doctorate.  The holders of these scholarships also receive training in research and teaching skills and gain experience by contributing towards undergraduate modules through the medium of Welsh. 

The Branch is able to nominate one doctoral Research Scholar (PhD) through the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol each year. The normal procedure is that each University in Wales can submit up to five applications a year to be considered by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. We welcome ideas for potential projects throughout the year but would need to receive an application by 1st November in order to consider a project that will start in the following September.

Previous Research Projects

The table below provides applicants with an idea of the project titles and subject areas in Aberystwyth University which have received funding from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol:


Title and copy of the essay (in Welsh)


Astudiaeth o gyfraddau a phatrymau ansefydlogrwydd fertigol ar afonydd Cymru

History and Welsh History

Chwaraeon a chymdeithas : gogledd orllewin Cymru, c.1850-1914

Biological Sciences

Prosesau cysgadrwydd ac egino mewn sborau bacteria a ffyngau


Ffydd, hunaniaeth, a bywyd bob dydd : daearyddiaethau cwtidaidd Mwslemiaid gorllewin Cymru


Dadelfeniad cyfeiliornad darogan y tywydd trwy ddefnyddio adnewyddiadau ffrwythiannau

Welsh History

Myfyrwyr canoloesol Cymreig a'u gyrfaoedd


Addysg gyfreithiol cyfrwng Cymraeg, a oes hawl i’r ddarpariaeth, ac a ydyw strwythur y ddarpariaeth yn ddigonol?


Newid hinsawdd: Astudio effeithiau digwyddiadau meteorolegol eithafol ar bobl y gorffennol er mwyn deall ein presennol a'n dyfodol

Creative Industries

Arwyddocâd anime fel ffurf animeiddio newydd, gan gyfeirio at weithiau dethol gan Hayao Miyazaki, Satoshi Kon a Mamoru Oshii

Theatr Studies

Croesi’r bar: Archwilio hunaniaeth y mewnfudwr Prydeinig trwy gyfrwng archif yr artist Cliff McLucas


Seicoleg wybyddol: Datgelu salwch niwroddirywiol mewn arlunwyr


Y gyllell ddyrchafedig : archwilio ffiniau hunan-amddiffyniad

International Politics

ASEau, Pleidiau, a disgyblaeth : beirniadaeth o'r 'thesis rheoli pleidiol'


Cloffni mewn gwartheg godro, y ffactorau sydd yn ei achosi a’r problemau sy’n codi ohono


Beth yw ysgrifennu newydd?: Dadansoddiad hanesyddol ac ymholiad ymarferol i’r hyn a olygir gan ysgrifennu newydd heddiw

International Politics

Ymgysylltiad gwleidyddol ar sail ffydd ar lefel is-wladwriaeth yn y DU: achosion Cymru a Gogledd Iwerddon

Human Geography

Polisi Iaith Ymddygiadol?


Ymchwil i Gymru Fydd: Datblygiad a Delweddau Ffuglen Wyddonol yn y Gymraeg


Archwilio'r posibiliadau o fewnblannu dealltwriaeth geomorffolegol wrth hyrwyddo a gwarchod geodreftadaeth Cymru

Environmental Sciences

Rhyngweithiadau planhigyn-pridd y rhywogaeth ymledol Rhododendron ponticum L.

Environmental Sciences

Astudiaethau ar darddiad esblygiadol a photensial biodechnolegol y ffyngau anaerobig


Astudiaethau mewn digwyddiadau Cromosfferig a Haen Trawsnewid a'u perthynas â'r Corona gan ddefnyddio IRIS ac AIA

Agricultural Sciences

Canfod a rheoli Twbercwlosis buchol (bTB) yn yr amgylchedd ar ffermydd yng Nghymru


Offeryniaeth, arsylwadau, a dadansoddiad o gorona’r Haul mewn golau gweladwy band cul a band eang

Agricultural Sciences

Ffermio digidol yng Nghymru: Troi gwastraff Amaeth yn gyfoeth


Heddlua pobl sy’n agored i niwed

Veterinary Science

Meintioli ymddygiad da byw ar gyfer canfod clefydau gan ddefnyddio technolegau monitro da byw manwl gywir


‘Bron bob tŷ wedi claddu rhywun annwyl!’ Astudiaeth o Bandemig Y Ffliw yng Nghymru, 1918-20

Welsh for Adults

Profiadau, cymhelliant a dilyniant dysgwyr Cymraeg rhwng 16 a 20 mlwydd oed. Sut mae cryfhau y dilyniant ieithyddol ar gyfer dysgwyr 16-18 mlwydd oed a dysgwyr dros 18 mlwydd oed?

Agricultural Sciences

Strategaethau amaethyddol y dyfodol yng Nghymru: arweinir gan y farchnad, darparwyr gwasanaethau ecosystem neu arloeswyr arbenigol?


Gyda’i gilydd yn gryfach? Pŵer y ffilm farddoniaeth


Astudiaeth achos yn edrych ar effaith trychinebau tirlithriad yng Nghymru o berspectif cyfiawnder amgylcheddol o fewn Troseddeg Werdd