Our Work

Logo Prifysgol Aberystwyth Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol

The Aberystwyth University Branch is located at the Centre for Welsh Language Services and is administrated by officers funded by the Coleg in addition to officers employed by the University.  The day to day work includes regular contact with the Coleg’s officers, supporting academic staff with projects funded by the Coleg, reporting on developments and monitoring progress of projects, Coleg scholarships, and advising students on a range of issues associated with academic provision through the medium of Welsh.  The Branch also includes a wider circle of University staff and student membership who are associated with Welsh medium provision, and regular meetings and activities are arranged regularly.

The role of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Branch Committee is to supervise and develop academic provision through the medium of Welsh at Aberystwyth University.  The Committee annually monitors the Welsh medium provision, and reports to the University’s planning bodies, and through them, to the University Council about matters associated with planning and Welsh medium resources.  The Branch is chaired by a member of the University’s academic staff who teaches through the medium of Welsh.

Committee members

  • Every member of university staff that teaches through the medium of Welsh;
  • Academic related staff who support the Welsh medium teaching;
  • Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Research Scholarship holders;
  • Student representatives including the UMCA President.

Chair: Jonathan Fry (jof36@aber.ac.uk)
Vice-chair: Dr Hywel Griffiths (hmg@aber.ac.uk)
Secretary: Dr Tamsin Davies (ted@aber.ac.uk), Branch Officer / Mel Owen (meo14@aber.ac.uk), Branch Officer

Aber Branch CCC Terms of Reference (PDF)

The Branch's Tenth Anniversary

The link below allows you to read and download an e-book celebrating the tenth anniversary of the Aberystwyth Branch of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (2011-2021).

Branch Panopto page

The Branch Panopto page contains video recordings of previous sessions such as our Employability event with former students and Research Seminars. Please note that it will be necessary to sign in to an Aberystwyth University account to view the content: