Category 2 Investigations

33. On receipt of a reporting form, the Deputy Registrar shall review the report and the evidence, and conduct a preliminary assessment. This will include a risk assessment under the University’s duty of care to determine any conditions on the student’s continued registration pending the outcome of disciplinary procedures, and possible deferral of the investigation pending criminal investigation / legal proceedings.

34. Where appropriate and requested by the reporting student, the Academic Registry may seek early resolution in discussion based on the willing participation of all parties. This process may involve an Investigative Officer, and the outcome will be sent to all relevant students.

35. Following the preliminary assessment, the Lead Investigative Officer will be appointed from a pool of trained staff. In some cases, a Support Investigator will also be assigned due the complexity of a case or the number of witnesses to be interviewed. The University also retains the right to appoint an external Investigative Officer.

36. The Investigative Officer(s) will invite witnesses for interview, including reporting and responding students, and will also consider any relevant documentary evidence. During interviews, students may be accompanied by an advisor from the Students’ Union, or by another person (no more than one). Legal representation at interviews will not normally be permitted.

37. When all evidence has been gathered, an investigation report will be submitted to the Academic Registrar, containing a summary of the evidence, findings of facts, and the conclusions and recommendations.