2.14 Guidance on calculating Welsh medium percentages

2.14.1 Guidance on calculating Welsh medium percentages for degree schemes

1. We advertise a Welsh medium percentage for every one of our degree schemes where it is possible to study at least on module through the medium of Welsh. This information appears on our website and in our bilingual prospectus, so it is important that it is correct so as to conform with advertising regulations. A Welsh medium percentage should be recorded on AStRA for every degree scheme. AStRA feeds the information to our website. Academic Registry will update AStRA on the basis of data provided by academic departments. 

2. Calculating Welsh medium percentages for degree schemes.

(i) Schemes taught 100% through the medium of Welsh

Q1) Are some of contact hours on at least one core module on the degree scheme taught through the medium of English?  (E.g. seminars are available in Welsh but the lectures are in English).

A1) If so, the degree scheme is considered to be a degree scheme partly taught through the medium of Welsh and its Welsh medium percentage will be less than 100%.

Q2) Does a student have to choose a least one optional modules taught completely in English or at least one optional module that includes some English medium contact hours on the degree scheme? (That is, there are not enough modules taught completely through the medium of Welsh for a students to study 120 credits in each year of study, so to reach 120 credits, they must choose a module or modules taught partly or completely through the medium of English).  

A2) If so, the degree scheme is considered to be a degree scheme taught partly through the medium of Welsh and its Welsh medium percentage will be less than 100%.

Q3) How are percentages for degree schemes taught partly through the medium of Welsh calculated?

  • Every module has a Welsh medium percentage. This enables us to calculate the number of Welsh medium credits on each module. For example, if a module is a 20 credit module and its Welsh medium percentage 90%, there are 18 Welsh medium credits available on the module.  The Welsh medium percentages for modules are recorded on AStRA.
  • Choose the pathway with the highest number of Welsh medium credits. The Welsh medium credits on each module on that pathway are added and the total is divided by 360 for 3 year degrees, 480 for 4 year degrees or 240 for 2 year degrees (e.g. a foundation degree). 
  • Do not include only the core modules.
  • Do not include every optional Welsh medium module if it is not possible to follow them all (i.e. a student must choose between them).
  • If it possible to choose between modules with different Welsh medium percentages, chose the module with the highest Welsh medium percentage.
  • In part 2, avoid including options from other subjects in order to increase the Welsh medium percentage of the degree scheme unless they are in the same field. The Welsh medium pathway in part 2 should be a pathway in the subject of the degree. Including an open choice of up to 20 credits a year would be acceptable. Traditionally, some departments expect part 1 students to study up to 60 credits outside their subject. If it is possible to study these credits through the medium of Welsh, they should be included in the Welsh medium percentage of the degree scheme.
  • Do not include a sandwich year, year abroad or year in industry, even if the year carries credits and it is possible to follow it through the medium of Welsh.

3. Examples

(i) Example 1: L255 Gwleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol (2018/19) [Designated Welsh medium degree scheme]





Core modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Core modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Core modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

GW12420 Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau


GW20120 Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau


GW30040 Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig


GW12620 Y Tu ôl i'r Penawdau


GW12520 Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 2: Heriau byd-eang


Total number of core credits required


Total number of core credits required


Total number of core credits required


Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

GW12820 Llunio’r Byd Modern: Rhyfel, Heddwch a Chwyldro ers 1789


GQ20920 Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol


GQ30920 Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol


GW10320 Rhyfel Strategaeth a Chuddwybodaeth


GQ23720 Amlddiwylliannedd mewn Polisi ac Ymarfer


GQ33720 Amlddiwylliannedd mewn Polisi ac Ymarfer


GW12920 Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain


GQ23420 Rhyfel Diarbed, Heddwch Diarbed


GQ33420 Rhyfel Diarbed, Heddwch Diarbed


Total number of optional credits required


Total number of optional credits required


Total number of optional credits required


Total Welsh medium credits for year 1

  • 8

Total Welsh medium credits for year 2

  • 6

Total Welsh medium credits for year 3


Total over 3 years: 275.4 Welsh medium credits = 76.5%

(ii) Example 2: D4N1 Agriculture with Studies (2018/19) [Designated English medium degree scheme]





Core modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Core modules available in Welsh


Welsh medium credits on modules

Core modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules


Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw



Systemau Cynhyrchu Da Byw





Taith Astudio Amaethyddol a'r Amgylchedd Gwaith




Sgiliau Astudio a Chyfathrebu



Dulliau Ymchwil



Traethawd Estynedig



Y Diwydiant Amaethyddol - Sgiliau Cynllun-Benodol


Total number of core credits required


Total number of core credits required


Total number of core credits required


Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules

Optional modules available in Welsh

Welsh medium credits on modules


Cyflwyniad i Reolaeth



Rheolaeth Marchnata



Gwyddor Cynhyrchu Da Byw



Cyflwyniad i'r Amgylchedd Busnes


MR33120 - Ymddygiad Sefydliadol



Strategaeth Busnes



Egwyddorion Marchnata



Bwyd, Ffermio a'r Amgylchedd



Datblygu a Rheoli Cynefinoedd ym Mhrydain


Total number of optional credits required


Total number of optional credits required


Total number of optional credits required


Total Welsh medium credits for year 1 (pathway with highest WM percentage)

  • 5

Total Welsh medium credits for year 2 (pathway with highest WM percentage)

  • 4

Total Welsh medium credits for year 3

  • 9

Total over 3 years: 206.8 Welsh medium credits = 57.4%

2.14.2 Guidance on calculating Welsh medium percentages for Welsh medium modules

1. In order for departments to reach their targets for increasing the number of students who are studying through the medium of Welsh, it is necessary to ensure:

  • That there is a Welsh medium module identifier for any module with an element of Welsh medium provision
  • That the department notes a Welsh medium percentage for every module with a Welsh medium module identifier in the appropriate field in the module’s record on AStRA
  • Attending classes through the medium of Welsh (Welsh medium contact hours).

2. If a module does not have a Welsh medium module identifier and a Welsh medium percentage the computer system cannot identify the students on the module as students who are studying through the medium of Welsh and they will appear as English medium in the data HEFCW uses to measure our attainment of targets for increasing the number of Welsh medium students.  This will jeopardize our ability to attract further funding in the area.  Academic Registry will update AStRA on the basis of data provided by academic departments.

3. Calculating Welsh medium percentages

(i) Modules taught 100% through the medium of Welsh

Q1) Is Welsh the medium of all the contact hours; that is, all lectures, seminars, tutorials, workshops, laboratory sessions, etc., take place through the medium of Welsh?

A1) If so, the module is considered a 100% Welsh medium module.  N.B. This is true even if the students are expected to read texts in English or another language as part of the module.

Q2) Is it a Welsh language module that introduces students to Welsh for beginners?

A2) The module should be recorded as 100% Welsh medium.

(ii) Modules taught partly through the medium of Welsh

Q1) Are some of the contact hours on the module, e.g. seminars, in Welsh, and some of the contact hours, e.g. lectures, in English?

A1) If so, the module is considered to be a module partly taught through the medium of Welsh and its percentage will be less than 100%.

In this case, it is necessary to look at the total number of hours spent on the module.

Welsh medium percentage of the module = Number of hours studying through the medium of Welsh

                                                                                    Total hours of study

Q2) What is the total number of hours of study?

A2)  1 credit is equivalent to 10 hours of study. E.g. the total hours of study on a 10 credit module is 100 hours.

Q3) How many hours of study through the medium of Welsh does a module have? 

A3) You should include any hours spent:

  • Undertaking other self-directed Welsh medium activities (e.g. homework for a seminar)
  • Doing assessed course work (e.g. writing an essay, writing a report, doing worksheets, etc.); [N.B. On modules with a Welsh medium module identifier, it is expected that students can submit their work in Welsh and receive feedback in Welsh. Work should not be translated for marking on Welsh medium modules]
  • Doing any Welsh medium exercises that do not count toward to module’s final mark
  • Revising for an exam or exams
  • Rehearsing for a Welsh medium performance (e.g. play, musical).

4. If you are not sure how many hours students are supposed to spend on the different activities on a module, a breakdown is available on the module’s original validation form. For modules that were validated some years ago, a copy of this form will be available in the minutes of the meeting of the deans/institute in which the module was approved.  They are available from the Registry.

5. Examples

(i) 10 credit module:

Hours of activity



Lectures + reading

10 + 10


Seminars + preparation


10 + 20

Self-directed learning package



Exam and essay




23 (25%)

75 (75%)

Welsh medium percentage suggested by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: 75%

Note that only 50% of the contact hours are in Welsh.  However, a Welsh medium percentage of 50% is considered too conservative because of the number of other Welsh medium activities that are part of the module outside of the Welsh medium contact hours.

Note that only 10% of the module’s notional hours are denoted English medium hours, namely the ten hours of English medium lectures. (It is a 10 credit module and therefore involves 100 notional hours of study).  However, a Welsh medium percentage of 90% is considered too generous as half of the contact hours are in English and therefore it is reasonable to presume that there are some notional English medium hours associated with the English medium contact hours. 

The Coleg recommends that recording a percentage of between 70% and 80% would be reasonable, depending on the exact context of the module and the subject, and the range of learning and preparation activities for the seminars (Circular 16/03).

(ii) 10 credit module:

Hours of activity



Lectures + reading

10 + 10


Seminars + preparation

5 + 10


Individual tutorials + preparation


5 + 10

Exam and essay




40 (53%)

35 (47%)

Welsh medium percentage suggested by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: 47%

(iii) 10 credit model (where the student submits assessments in English):

Hours of activity



Lectures + reading

10 + 10


Seminars + preparation

5 + 10


Individual tutorials + preparation


5 + 10

Exam and essay




55 (73%)

20 (27%)

Welsh medium percentage suggested by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: 20%

Note that 25% of the contact hours are in Welsh.  However, a Welsh medium percentage of 25% is considered too generous because the other activities, which are part of the module outside of the contact hours, are English medium ones.

6. Modules including work experience placement

Q1) Is the module taught mainly through the medium of Welsh, but with an element of work placement where the Welsh language contact can vary depending on the employer, even, in some cases, from day to day? 

A1) We can make a reasonable decision about the average Welsh medium percentage of this element of the module, and give one percentage for all the students on the module (although some students have, in fact, studied a slightly higher percentage than the average and others have studied a slightly lower percentage).

7. English medium module that introduces an element of Welsh medium material in lectures

Q1) Does the module introduces an element of Welsh medium material in lectures, even though the lectures, seminars and any other classes that are part of the module are in English?  An example of this would be a module that prepares students to introduce the Welsh language as part of the primary curriculum in Wales.  

A1) If so, the Coleg suggests that no more than 10% of the module can be reasonably recorded as being Welsh medium.

8. Example

10 credit module

Hours of Activity



Lectures + reading

15 + 20

5* + 5

Seminars + preparation

10 + 20


Exam and essay




90 (90%)

10 (10%)

*The module includes five English medium lectures that introduce an element of Welsh medium material.

Welsh medium percentage suggested by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: 10%

9. The Coleg is willing to provide guidance on particular modules. Contact the Branch Officer to make a request for guidance. 


Chapter 2 reviewed: September 2023