Authorised Absence for Student Visa holders
Aberystwyth University is required to monitor engagement and attendance during term time.
You must request authorised absence if you are going to be absent outside of recognised vacation periods.
Undergraduate and taught postgraduate students (during the teaching period) need to request authorised absence if the proposed absence will mean that they will be missing classes or examinations/assessments. Students who have attended all teaching and assessments for the year do not need permission to return home at the conclusion of the session. Authorised absence is required if UG/PGT students will be missing contact points.
Please ensure that authorised absence requests have been submitted and approved before finalising your travel arrangements.
Unauthorised absences will count as missed contact points and could lead to your exclusion from the University and the curtailment of your visa. Retrospective permission will not normally be granted.
This process safeguards you and your visa as you will be able to prove to border officials that you have permission to be away from the University during term time.
Authorised Absence for Postgraduate Taught (PGT) and Undergraduate (UG) Students plus IEC Students
1. Student
2. Departmental Compliance Contact
3. Compliance Office
Authorised Absence for Postgraduate Research (PGR) Students
1. Student
2. Academic Supervisor
3. Departmental Compliance Contact
4. Compliance Office
Note: If you are travelling outside of the UK, you must follow the authorised absence process in order to be issued with a letter to be used when travelling and to avoid putting your visa at risk.
If you are travelling within the UK, you must follow the authorised absence procedure to avoid putting your visa at risk.