Green Gatherings

Green Gatherings is a garden in development, aimed to promote the benefits of green space on health and to connect members of the local community through nature. Read more below about details, upcoming plans and how to get involved.  

Garden Overview

Starting in June 2023, Green Gatherings was developed through HEIW funding as a gardening project, aiming to demonstrate the positive impact of therapeutic green spaces on mental health. The name ‘Green Gatherings’ was decided upon due to the collaborative nature of the project, with members from local statutory and non-statutory agencies, service users, students, individuals who live with a learning disability, mental health issues, local children, nurseries, ethnic minorities, people with vulnerabilities and any local organisation that follow 'Green principles' and would like to participate.

The garden is led by Lisa Kinsella and Asa Galeozzie, in conjunction with a student-led working group. The nursing department will further develop the area with students and service users over the course of student’s 3 years of study. After this period, the garden will be handed over to future pre-registration students to build student understanding and provide supporting evidence for green social prescribing.

The project stems from the significant evidence that supports the benefits of green spaces and gardens on physical, social and mental health, with the NHS officially including social prescribing within its long-term plan. The aim of Green Gatherings is to create a fully inclusive green space, while collaborating with the local community and aiding wellbeing.  The garden hopes to inspire, build confidence and resilience in others, and a sense of belonging for those that feel isolated in the local community. 'Green Gatherings' aims to share the many positive benefits of a natural environment.

It’s hoped the garden will provide a grounding, learning and co-productive environment with nature, where activities like growing and harvesting edible plants, outdoor cookery classes and arts and crafts are promoted, while providing an outdoor space for voluntary work, meetings, and as a study area available to anyone the local community. Produce planned to be grown in the garden will be utilised by the community and donated to local food charities.


Linking with Aberystwyth University’s wider biodiversity goals, biodiversity will be integral to the garden, with the planting of trees and plants that are known to attract wildlife and pollinators, as well as plans to install feeding systems. Advice on plant species will be provided through a ‘Keep Wales Tidy’ representative, where factors including soil type and current species present in addition to additional factors will be considered to best enhance biodiversity.

Principles of a Therapeutic Garden

Green Gatherings is working on the principles of the American Horticultural Therapy Association’s (AHTA) for a therapeutic garden.

These include:

  1. Scheduled & Programmed Activities - Encourage local groups to participate in the creation of the project, offer classes to grow produce on site, as well as additional classes for cookery, relaxation and mindfulness activities. The space will also be utilised as a study space for students.
  2. Features Modified to Improve Accessibility – Raised beds for increased access to gardening and wide and secure paths to allow wheelchair/mobility aid access.
  3. Well-Defined Perimeters - Edges of the garden and special zones of activities within the garden will be intensified to redirect the attention and energies of the visitor to the components and displays within the garden.
  4. A Profusion of Plants and People/Plant Interactions – 4 seasons of sensory stimulation, introducing visitors to planned, intensive outdoor environments.
  5. Benign & Supportive Conditions – A safe, secure and comfortable environment for visitors, avoiding the use of potentially hazardous chemicals and offering shaded and seating areas.
  6. Universal Design – Designed to maximise enjoyment for the widest range of conditions.
  7. Recognisable Placemaking - This therapeutic garden will follow the recommended principles of remaining simple, unified and an easily comprehended place

Location and Contact Information

The garden is located in the space behind the Healthcare Education Centre (HEC), originally a grassed area with some trees.

For more information or if you wish to get involved, please contact: