Old College Appeal

Aberystwyth University, Wales’s first University College, was founded in 1872 at the Old College.
Since then, the Old College, one of the nation’s most recognisable buildings, has been a symbol of the Aberystwyth University’s educational mission and a sign of its deep roots within the community and the region.
Only with your support can future students, researchers, staff, alumni, and visitors enjoy the Old College and its facilities.
The preservation and restoration of Old College will cement its place in Welsh and UK heritage, and through its innovative design will produce educational, outreach, engagement, enterprise and research activities with far-reaching and vital public benefit.
Alumni, friends and supporters from around the world have donated generously to the Old College Appeal so far.
In Aberystwyth University’s 150th year, please join your fellow alumni and friends in supporting the University’s flagship capital project.
Be part of something special. Make the Old College part of the University’s next 150 years and support the Old College Appeal. Donate today.
To find out more about the spaces and facilities in the Old College, visit the Old College plans.