150th Anniversary Book

The aluminium mural by the University's former Head of art and artist David Tinker (1924–2000) adorns the wall outside the Great Hall and provided the inspiration for the front cover of our 150th anniversary book - Ceiniogau'r Werin: Prifysgol Aberystwyth mewn 150 Objects / Pennies of the People: Aberystwyth University in 150 Objects.
From the original minute book kept by our Founders to early X-ray equipment, works of art and space exploration instruments, the University has a remarkable collection of objects marking different periods in our history.
You can find out more about these and other treasures in Ceiniogau'r Werin / The Pennies of the People, a special book published on 14 October 2022 as part of our 150th anniversary celebrations.
This beautifully illustrated volume features striking full-page images of 150 objects reflecting aspects of the remarkable story of the first University College in Wales which opened in a grand though unfinished hotel on the seafront at Aberystwyth in 1872.
Most of the objects come from the University's own collections - our archives, our School of Art’s Museum and Galleries, and academic departments across all Faculties.
Some objects have come from alumni, and others courtesy of some of national institutions such as the National Library of Wales, Amgueddfa Cymru–National Museum of Wales and Urdd Gobaith Cymru.
Each object is accompanied by a short piece of bilingual text written by a range of people with close links to the University including present and past staff, students and supporters.
Some contributors have chosen to tell their story in the form of a short article or essay, others have penned a poem or a creative response.
Some of the stories may be familiar while others may surprise but all will entertain and inform. Together, they highlight major milestones in the history of the University as well as the stories of some of the people who have worked or studied here since October 1872.
Twenty-five students arrived at the beginning of that very first term and the name of each and every one has been carefully handwritten in a substantial leather-bound register - another of the objects featured in the book.
Ceiniogau'r Werin / The Pennies of the People was launched on Founders' Day Friday 14 October 2022, exactly 150 years since we opened our doors. The 312-page, hardback book costs £25 and is available to buy in the University's Students' Union shop, Aberystwyth Arts Centre shop, high street bookshops or online. You can also order a copy through the Students' Union online shop, or phone 01970 621725.