New Pro Vice-Chancellor appointed

Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan
03 June 2013
Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan has been appointed Pro Vice-Chancellor with responsibility for the Welsh Language and Culture, and External Engagement at Aberystwyth University.
Dr Morgan is currently Head of Policy Support for Ceredigion County Council and will take up his new post in early September.
Originally from Ceredigion, he graduated in History and has a Diploma in Librarianship from Aberystwyth University, an MA in Early Celtic Studies and a doctorate in Historiography from Cardiff University.
As a member of the University’s Executive, Dr Morgan will be responsible for developing and articulating the University's strategy in respect of Welsh language and culture, promoting the use of the language and advising on ways in which Welsh culture and language can be further embedded into the academic life of the University.
Prof April McMahon, Vice-Chancellor of Aberystwyth University said: "I’m delighted to congratulate Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan on his appointment. He is very experienced in the field of language planning both academically and operationally, and has a highly relevant background in education and community services. I very much look forward to working with him to build on the important developments already under way here in Aberystwyth. "
"This is an extremely exciting time for Welsh medium higher education, and especially at Aberystwyth. Since 2011, we have been awarded 11 Welsh medium lecturing posts under the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and in September this year we anticipate that a further four lecturers will join the University in the fields of Law, Computer Science, Information Studies and Professional Welsh.
"Innovative work is being done here in the sciences - Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science and Biological Sciences – which is transforming the nature of Welsh medium provision in these areas, and the new MA in Professional Welsh which has been developed by the Department of Welsh will offer valuable opportunities for students as they prepare for the workplace."
Dr Rhodri Llwyd Morgan said: "I am looking forward to joining the University in this role and know that I will do all I can to promote its mission. My experience is primarily in the areas of language development, culture and lifelong learning services both at local authority and national levels.
"I know that there are opportunities to further develop bilingualism within the University, expand Welsh medium provision to students and to promote our image as a confident bilingual institution which makes a difference locally, nationally and internationally.
"The work of promoting external engagement is a very important element of the post and in so doing we will extend the influence and reputation of the University at all levels. By boosting engagement the University may also benefit from external influences and new partnerships and supporting this work is of great interest to me."
Dr Morgan brings with him a wealth of experience, which spans both the academic and operational spheres. His role within Ceredigion Council included the management of the Library Services, Ceredigion Archives, Ceredigion Museum, community education, Welsh for Adults, Ceredigion Training, community teaching and the Schools Language Strategy, Schools Music Service, Theatr Felin-Fach and support for the Arts, and CERED.
More recently, his portfolio has included Policy and Strategy, Partnerships and collaborative arrangements, the Welsh Language, equalities, Communications and Council relations.
Prior to this he worked for the Welsh Language Board, Cardiff University and BBC Wales.
Dr Morgan succeeds Professor Aled Jones who has been appointed to the position of Chief Executive and Librarian at the National Library of Wales.