====================================================== Media tables (comparison of knockout with wildtype) k < w, k = w, k > w ====================================================== max_od_emg media < = > defined 0 3 1 defplus 0 3 1 rich 3 1 0 dur_linear media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 1 3 0 end_linear media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 3 1 0 start_linear media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 3 1 0 miy_lag_time media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 2 2 0 sn_ratio media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 0 4 0 max_od_time_emg media < = > defined 1 3 0 defplus 2 2 0 rich 3 1 0 lag_time media < = > defined 0 4 0 defplus 0 4 0 rich 1 3 0 double_time media < = > defined 3 1 0 defplus 3 1 0 rich 3 1 0 threshold media < = > defined 0 2 2 defplus 0 1 3 rich 0 1 3 linear_slope media < = > defined 0 2 2 defplus 0 1 3 rich 0 1 3 global_max_od_time media < = > defined 1 3 0 defplus 2 2 0 rich 1 3 0 global_max_od media < = > defined 0 3 1 defplus 0 3 1 rich 3 1 0 ============================================================ Strain tables (comparison with nutrient vs without nutrient) m+ < m, m+ = m, m+ > m ============================================================ max_od_emg strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 dur_linear strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 end_linear strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 start_linear strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 miy_lag_time strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 sn_ratio strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 max_od_time_emg strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 lag_time strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 double_time strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 threshold strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 linear_slope strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 global_max_od_time strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 global_max_od strain < = > knockout 0 4 0 wildtype 0 4 0 ============================================================ Delta-delta tables (four way comparison) delta_k < delta_w, delta_k = delta_w, delta_k > delta_w ============================================================ max_od_emg < = > 0 4 0 [] dur_linear < = > 0 4 0 [] end_linear < = > 0 4 0 [] start_linear < = > 0 4 0 [] miy_lag_time < = > 0 4 0 [] sn_ratio < = > 0 4 0 [] max_od_time_emg < = > 0 4 0 [] lag_time < = > 0 4 0 [] double_time < = > 0 4 0 [] threshold < = > 0 4 0 [] linear_slope < = > 0 4 0 [] global_max_od_time < = > 0 4 0 [] global_max_od < = > 0 4 0 []