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Our placement at BAE-Sema: Rob Harrison

"My year out was spent working for a company called BAeSEMA (now part of BAe Defence Systems division) at a site located in south-west London. Our company primarily developed real-time command system software, in Ada, for submarines and naval frigates. I was assigned to work on a sub-system of the HCI software, responsible for allowing the on-board operators to interface with the system.
The main tasks I was involved with were:

  • Maintaining the software, from first reading a problem/bug report through to producing a solution.
  • Demonstration, via a test schedule, to the customer that the reported problem had been resolved.
  • Updating the regional design document such that it was 'inline' with the current software version + changes.
  • Producing an assessment report for functionality that would be incorporated as a paid change item.
For me personally, this year was an invaluable experience for:
  • Viewing a 'real' project in development.
  • Dealing with the configuration management, necessary for such a large piece of software and numerous team members (2 people in my immediate team)
  • With regards to above, the QA issues regarding code and document review.
  • Teamworking!
  • Building a professional attitude towards work and co-workers.
  • Learning how to produce innovative solutions to problems."

Rob Harrison

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If you have any difficulties with the above, or have any suggestions to make on how things can be improved, please do not hesitate to email me.

John Woodbury
Last modified: Sep 5 2001