Last updated: May 20, 2001

with only positive comments...

Record no: 287
Positive: True

Harder than the usual written exams.

It's harder because there is no room for error,

no leeway for ambiguous answers that may

have got a few marks in the past. More care

and effort has to be taken with revision

because more of the silabus can be covered

inthe time allowed. It pushes students

further because they have to understand

and know the exact answer to get the

marks and know the full silabus. With

conventional testing procedures where you

answer a few questions from section A and

say one from section B. So a certain

amount of hedging you bets can be done!

With multiple choice (in this case) you need to

know everything no chances can be taken.

Record no: 291
Positive: True

These tests I feel are much less stressful

than the traditional paper based exams

due to the fact that they are held in

a better atmosphere. In a familiar

environment which should make the

tests more appealing to the students

who dislike paper based exams.

At the same time the computer based

exams are becoming more and more

like paper based exams then it should

be liked by all.

These questions are more like real life

problems in software, finding bugs

instead of writing long answers.

Record no: 295
Positive: True

I think these tests are much better than traditional paper

exams. As they are held requently It keeps you revising

the work throughout the course of the year.

21 May 2001 Page 3 of 5

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