with only negative comments..

Record no: 296
Negative: True

I don't like using the submit button!

Test B

For A-level we had a practical that lasted a day.

We arrived, and we had to code an un-seen program spec by the end of the day.

I would enjoy doing that again in Java.

It would show peoples true ability, rather than just craming for the tests

CS102 might benefit from the same exam style as CS124 ie. multi-choice, on line

I liked it when the exam had Text Areas to enter questions problems into.

Too much time on our hands, i hate waiting!

Record no: 314
Negative: True

7 errors terminal. Some can't be handeled

raising /throwing? are they the same?

10. code too long for easy


it doesn't fit on screen

also a familiar format of

colour would be useful if


if you intend to field longer and

more complex questions multiple

choice format may become too


test a

8 same question as in test 13

9 s" " " " "

4 are we expected to know all

the key words in Java?

21 May 2001 Page 2 of 4
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