Department Report, 1996




In the past year, the department has continued to grow and now has 315 ftes (full-time equivalent students). This means that the department has continued to double in size every six years. Sadly, the Welsh Funding Council's Research Quality Initiative came to its end at the end of 1995/96. This had allowed us to increase the level of our research activity and had therefore cushioned us against the effect of the massive increase in student numbers. The 1996/97 session offers no such comfort and our staff/student ratio has risen to 1:21.9.

The department has always felt a responsibility to promote the possibilities and benefits of Information technology to the general public, particularly in Wales. This year has seen the Telematics Group particularly active in this direction. As part of the UK Science, Engineering and Technology week, the group put on demonstrations of video-conferencing over the Internet at a local supermarket and at the Ceredigion Museum, linking these sites to demonstrations of robotics in the department. And at the Royal Welsh Show, with the support of the Development Board for Rural Wales, we provided a fast and regularly updated results and information service. which was made available to the public using a simple "touch-screen" interface at five key locations around the showground. As well as the latest results from the major sections of the show, visitors could use the touch-screens to tackle an interactive quiz (with questions about various aspects of life in rural Wales), or to view the latest action from the main arena, which the team was making available using "video-in-a-web-page" technology developed at the University of Ulm, and deployed in the UK for the first time at the Show. Both of these events generated a great deal of public interest and we are grateful to British Telecom for providing the necessary lines free of charge.

The department was delighted to be able to host a public lecture in November given by Ms Elizabeth France, the Data Protection Registrar. The lecture generated great interest and was attended by over 100 people. The issue of data protection is one of great importance for the whole community and Ms France, a former Aberystwyth student, gave a stimulating and entertaining discussion of current issues in the field, that provided much food for thought.

The year saw considerable changes in the academic staff of the department, with Ian Pyle and Brian Rudling retiring, and Keiichi Nakata, Dave Pugh and Graham Parker leaving for pastures new. We wish them all well and, in their place, welcome Nick Gotts, Ross King, Janet Hardy and Maggie Robertson.

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The past year saw the first students graduate from the MEng in Software Engineering and from the BSc in Computer Science with a European Language. Between them, these courses produced the excellent results of five firsts, five upper seconds, and one lower second. A further four firsts were awarded in our other courses, with the result that, out of 48 students graduating, nine were awarded firsts and 16 upper seconds, a very pleasing result. Equally pleasing, was the fact that 26 students successfully completed our MSc in Computer Science and four of these were awarded distinctions. Student numbers continue to increase and we expect 62 students to graduate from our undergraduate courses in 1997, along with 40 from the MSc course.

During 1996, we introduced a new MSc, in Software Engineering. The purpose of this scheme is to allow students who have a conventional first degree in a computing topic to raise their qualification to the level of the MEng. Our decision to introduce this degree seems to have proved unexpectedly prescient, now that the Engineering Council has decided that MEng is to become the 'benchmark' educational qualification required for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

In July, the department hosted a three-day workshop for teachers of IT in schools and for the staff of careers agencies. The purpose of the workshop was to give participants a feeling for what was involved in the study of computing at university level and they spent most of their time in practical activities. Over 30 people attended and all the feedback we have received indicates that the occasion was an overwhelming success. We intend to repeat it in 1997.

The last three years have seen a substantial increase in collaborative arrangements with universities overseas. Every year now a number of our students will be found studying at overseas universities and the department will be playing host to students from overseas. During 1996, our students went to study at the University of Puget Sound, the University of Kansas, the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana, and the Universitas Antonio de Nebrija in Madrid, and we hosted students from the same institutions. In addition to this, our regular collaboration with Informatics led to 25 students from Singapore spending six weeks with us and receiving their University of Wales degrees at the degree ceremony here.

Over the years we have seen a steadily increasing number of industrialists contributing to our teaching, both within our regular courses and through one-off lectures. Siôn Wyn, of Activa Systems, an Aberystwyth graduate, has taught a substantial part of our course on the software life cycle for several years now and has also helped us with reviews of our curriculum. Don Cochrane, previously with Case Communications and now with Phillips Omnicom, has helped in a similar way with our courses on telecommunications. This year he was joined by his colleague Joan May. Such contributions are valuable both because they help to keep our courses in line with the best of current industrial practice and because they introduce students to industrial ways of approaching problems.

Members of staff are external examiners for taught courses at the Open University and in the universities of Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Huddersfield, Lancaster and York.

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All research activity in the department during the year was conducted under the shadow of the latest of the Funding Councils' Research Assessment Exercise. In the event the department was pleased to obtain a rating of 4A, the A indicating that over 95% (in fact, 100%) of the academic staff of the department were included in the submission. Nevertheless, despite our pleasure in this result, we are resolved to attain a grade 5 next time.

As can be seen from the list below, the department had a particularly successful year in winning research grants. After allowing for the fact that some of the grants are held jointly with other departments, the total is around £1.3 million. Of special importance are the grants that are funded largely, or entirely, by industry. The largest of these is the contract with the Ford Motor Company, to provide a system for automating the process of failure mode effects analysis in the electrical circuitry of motor vehicles. This is an important contribution to improving the safety of new car designs and represents the start of the industrial exploitation of the fundamental research that began in the department ten years ago.

Members of the department have been particularly active on the international scene, chairing the Symposium on Cognitive and Computational Models of Spatial Representation organised by the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, held at Stanford, and two workshops at the Europe Conference on Artificial Intelligence, held in Budapest.

We were pleased to welcome Christie Manning from the University of Minnesota, who spent two months researching in the department during the summer and whose presence proved an invigorating stimulus to many researchers in the department.

The quality of the work carried out by the final year MEng students in their projects was outstanding, so much so that six papers in the list of publications below carry the names of MEng students in their list of authors and one of the students travelled to Stanford, after the examinations, to present a paper on Multi-level Molecular Representation at a conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design at Stanford.

Members of the department have acted as external examiners for research degrees in Heriot Watt University and the Open University, and in the universities of Birmingham, Salford, Southampton and York.

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Bott, M F 1996 Selling, Marketing and Procuring Software. In: Myers, C, Hall, T. and Pitt, D. (eds) The Responsible Software Engineer, Springer Verlag, London.

Cohn, A G and Gotts, N M 1996 The 'Egg-Yolk' Representation of Regions with Indeterminate Boundaries. In: Geographic objects with indeterminate boundaries (Proceedings Gisdata specialist meeting on spatial objects with undetermined boundaries). Chap 12, pp 171-187

Cohn, A G and Gotts, N M 1996 Representing Spatial Vagueness: A Mereological Approach In:Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning: Proc 5th International Conference San Francisco, Morgan Kaufmann pp 230-241

Goodacre, R, Neal, M J and Kell, D B 1996 Quantitative analysis of multivariate data using artificial neural networks: a tutorial review and applications to the deconvolution of pyrolysis mass spectra Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, 284, 516-539

Goodacre, R, Timmins, E M, Rooney, P J, Rowland, J J and Kell, D B 1996 Rapid identification of Streptococcus and Enterococcus species using diffuse reflectance-absorbance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and artificial neural networks FEMS Microbiol Lett, 140(2-3), 233-239

Goodacre, R, Howell, S A, Nobel, W C and Neal, M J 1996 Sub-species discrimination using pyrolysis mass spectrometry and self-organising neural networks of Propionibacterium acnes isolated from normal human skin Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, 284, 501-505

Gotts, N M 1996 Formalizing Commonsense Topology: The INCH Calculus (extended abstract) In: Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics pp 72-75

Gotts, N M, Gooday, J M and Cohn, A G 1996 A Connection Based Approach to Commonsense Topological Description and Reasoning The Monist, Special issue on 'Topology for Philosophers', 79(1), 51-75

Grandi, P 1996 Implementing (nondeterministic) parallel assignments Information Processing Letters 58 (1996).

Hardy, N W (ed) 1996 Ada Yearbook 1996 York: Ada Language UK Ltd

Holstein, H and Ketteridge, B T 1996 Gravimetric analysis of uniform polyhedra Geophysics, 61(2) pp 357-364

Hughes, N and Wilson, M S 1996 (March) Appropriate Reactions and Planned Responses In: Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Machines

Hunt, J E 1996 Applications of Model Based and Qualitative Reasoning In: Proc of 1st International Workshop on Model-Based and Qualitative Reasoning Systems: Perspectives for Industrial Applications ECAI-96 pp 1-11

Hunt, J E 1996 An Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language In: BCS OOPS Group Newsletter, Winter

Hunt, J E 1996 An Introduction to the Unified Modeling Language In: BCS OOPS Newsletter, Autumn, pp 5-19

Hunt, J E and Cooke, D E 1996 Learning Using An Artificial Immune System In: Journal of Micro Computer Applications: Special Issue on Intelligent Systems: Design and Application

Hunt, J E and Fellows, A 1996 Introducing an Immune Response into a CBR system for Data Mining In: Research and Development in Expert Systems XIII BCS ESG'96 Conference

Hunt, J E and Price, C J 1996 Experiences from introducing FLAME into Ford and Jaguar In: Proc of 1st International Workshop on Model-Based and Qualitative Reasoning Systems: Perspectives for Industrial Applications ECAI-96 pp 23-27

Hunt, J E, King, C M and Cooke, D E 1996 (October) Immunizing against fraud In: Proc Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining IEE Colloquium

Hunt, J E, Lee, M H and Price, C J 1996 (July) Progress in Applying Model Based and Qualitative Reasoning to Industrial Applications In: Proc Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA) IMACS/IEEE-SMC Multiconference

Kell, D B, Goodacre, R and Neal, M J 1996 Rapid analysis of multiple determinands using pyrolysis mass spectrometry and supervised learning with artificial neural networks In: Berg, D A (ed), Proc 1994 ERDEC Scientific Conference on chemical and biological defense research

King, C M and Pyle, I C 1996 (March) Using QoS tradeoffs as a guide to Design Decisions made in Distributed System Design In: Fourth International IFIP Workshop on Quality of Service Paris

King, R D 1996 Secondary structure prediction Sternberg, M J E (ed), Protein Structure Prediction - A Practical Approach Oxford University Press Oxford

King, R D and Angus, C G 1996 PM: Protein Music CABIOS, 12, pp 251-252

King, R D and Srinivasan, A 1996 Prediction of rodent carcinogenicity bioassays from molecular structure using inductive logic programming Environmental Health Perspectives, 104(5), pp 1031-1040

King, R D and Sternberg, M J E 1996 Identification and application of the concepts important for accurate and reliable protein secondary structure prediction Protein Science, 5, 2298- 2310

King, R D , Clark, D A , Shirazi, J and Sternberg, M J E 1996 Discovery of protein structural constraints in a deductive database using inductive logic programming Machine Intelligence, 14 Oxford University Press, Oxford

King, R D, Muggleton, S H, Srinivasan, A and Sternberg, M J E 1996 Structure activity relationships derived by machine learning: The use of atoms and their bond connectivities to predict mutagenicity using inductive logic programming Proc Nat Acad Sci U S A 93 pp 438-442

Lee, M H 18 April 1996 'Research Links with Japan', Report to The Welsh Office. (Unpublished)

Lee, M H 17 April 1996 'Applications of Artificial Intelligence to New Zealand Manufacturing', Final Report, Collaborative Research Agreement, IRL. (Unpublished)

Lee, M H and McGonigle, B O 1996. Cognitive Modelling and the Design of Artificially Intelligent Systems, Final report. MRC/JCI Grant G9110835. (Unpublished)

Loftus, C, Long, F, Pugh, D and Pyle, I 1996 (October) Failure Classification Schemes for Analysing System Dependability In: Proceedings of SAFECOMP 96

Lush, A, Rowland, J and Wilson, M 1996 Characteristics of Robot Behaviour In: Gray, J O and Caldwell, D G (eds), Advanced Robotics & Intelligent Machines Stevenage, U K, Chapter 18, pp 281-293 Institution of Electrical Engineers No 51 of IEE Control Engineering Series ISBN 0 85296 853 1

Lush, A, Rowland, J J and Hardy, N W 1996 Handling Behaviours In: Mayorga, R V (ed), Proc Fourth IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing, Honolulu, Hawaii pp 353-356 ISBN 0-88986-209-5

Montgomery, T, Pugh, D R, Leedham, S and Twitchett, S 1996 FMEA Automation for the Complete Design Process In: Proceedings of reliability and maintainability symposium IEEE

Nakata, K, Olivier, P, McManus, A and Landon, M 1996 Kinematic synthesis using analogical representations In: Damski, J C B and N H Narayanan (eds), Workshop Notes, AID'96 Workshop on Visual Representation, Reasoning and Interaction in Design

Nakata, K, Olivier, P, Bill, J and Boyce, D 1996 Matching and tracking using decomposition Machine Graphics and Vision, 5(1), 131-140

Nealon, J L and Hunt, J (eds) 1996 Proceedings of Expert Systems'96. SGES Publications

Olivier, P (ed) 1996 Cognitive and Computational Models of Spatial Representation, Papers from the 1996 AAAI Spring Symposium, Stanford, California AAAI Technical report SS-96-03

Olivier, P (ed) 1996 Notes from the ECAI-96 Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Spatial Expressions, European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), Budapest, Hungary

Olivier, P and Nakata, K 1996 Computational Imagery: a case study in kinematics In: IEE Colloquium on Thinking with Diagrams, London

Olivier, P, Nakata, K, Landon, M and McManus, A 1996 Analogical Representations for Mechanism Synthesis European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 12-16 August, 1996, Budapest, Hungary

Olivier, P, Nakata, K and McManus, A 1996 Higher Pair Kinematic Synthesis Using Quadtrees In: 4th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (GKPO'96), Machocice, Poland

Olivier, P, Nakata, K and Landon, M 1996 Multi-level Molecular Representation In: Gero, J S and Sudweeks, F (eds), Artificial Intelligence in Design '96 Kluwer Academic Publishers

Olivier, P, Ormsby, A and Nakata, K 1996 Occupancy Array-based Kinematic Reasoning Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 9(5), 541-549

Parker, G R , Ratcliffe, M B and Price, D E 1996 (May) Development of a Remote Advisory Service In: UKERNA Video Conferencing Workshop. Nottingham.

Parker, G R, Ratcliffe, M B, Constable, G C and Price, D E 1996 Remote Advisory Service In: JANET Users Support Workshop Shropshire: Harper Adams.

Pegler, I and Price, C J 1996 (April) Caspian: a freeware case-based reasoning shell In: Second UK Case-based Reasoning Workshop, University of Salford

Price, C J 1996 (January) Effortless Incremental FMEA In: Procs of Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium IEEE pp 43-47

Price, C J and Pugh, D R 1996 (May) Interpreting Simulation with Functional Labels In: 10th International Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning

Price, C J, Snooke, N and Landry, J 1996 Automated Sneak Identification Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 9(4), 423-427

Price, C J, Wilson, M S and Cain, C 1996 Automotive Diagnosis Using Generated Fault Trees In: Proceedings of Applications and Innovations in Expert Systems IV pp 161-167

Price, C J, Wilson, M S, Timmis, J and Cain, C 1996 (September) Generating Fault Trees from FMEA In: 7th International Workshop on Principles of Diagnosis

Price, C J, Snooke, N, Landry, J and Wilson, M S 1996 (August) Identifying Sneak Paths through Function In: AAAI-96 Workshop on Modelling and Reasoning with Function pp 16-21

Price, D and Constable, G 1996 (March) The Mbone over ISDN, and PC access - Current Developments In: Proceedings of Networkshop 24 University of Sussex

Pugh, D R and Snooke, N 1996 Dynamic analysis of qualitative circuits for failure mode and effects analysis In: Proceedings of reliability and maintainability symposium IEEE

Pyle, I C 1996 (March) Performance considerations in Complement In: Proceedings 1996 International IEEE Symposium and Workshop in Engineering of Computer Based Systems IEEE, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Pyle, I C 1996 Quality in software-based systems In: Proceedings 1996 International Symposium and Workshop in Engineering of Computer Based Systems IEEE, Friedrichshafen, Germany

Ratcliffe, M B , Parker, G R and Price, D E 1996 (November) The Remote Advisory Service at Aberystwyth In: IEEE Conference on Frontiers in Education, Utah.

Srinivasan, A and King, R D 1996 Feature construction with Inductive Logic Programming: a study of quantitative predictions of biological activity aided by structural attributes In: Proceedings of 6th Inductive Logic Programming Workshop (To appear as a Springer Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)

Srinivasan, A, Sternberg, M J E and King, R D 1996 Theories for mutagenicity: a study of first-order and feature based induction A I Journal 85 277-299

Tedd, M D 1996 Bringing home the Information Society, Journal of the Institute of Welsh Affairs.

Tedd, M D 1996 Copyright and the Information Society British Library of Political and Economic Science (LSE) Centenary Magazine.

Wallnau, K, Long, F and Earl, A 1996 (May) Toward a Distributed, Mediated Architecture for Workflow Management In: NFS Workshop on Workflow and Process Automation in Information Systems: State-of-the-Art and Future Directions, pp 74-84 Re-printed in Alan W Brown (ed), Component-Based Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1996, pp 69-74

Wilson, M S 1996 Reliability and Flexibility - A Mutually Exclusive Problem for Robotic Assembly? IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation Special Issue on Assembly and Task Planning for Manufacturing, 12(2), 343-347 ISSN 1042-296X

Wilson, M S, King, C M and Hunt, J E 1996 (April) Evolutionary learning of task achieving behaviours In: Proc of Workshop on Learning in Robots and Animals AISB

Woodward, A M, Jones, A, Zhang, X Z, Rowland, J J and Kell, D B 1996 Rapid and non-invasive quantification of metabolic substrates in biological cell suspensions using nonlinear dielectric spectroscopy with multivariate calibration and artificial neural networks. Principles and applications. Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, 40, 99-132

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Bott, M F Accreditation Panel and Board of Examiners of the British Computer Society. Qualifications and Standards Working Group of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. University of Wales representative on Boards of Study at British Hellenic College, Athens, and the Universitas Nebrissensis, Madrid. Referee for the Software Engineering Journal and the Computer Journal. Director of Ada Language UK Limited.

Gautier, R J SIMTRA Management Committee.

Hunt, J E BCS Specialist Group on Expert Systems (SGES) committee. Expert Systems conference committee. Deputy Technical Director of the BCS Expert Systems Conference '96. Member of the DX'97 Principles of Diagnosis workshop. Deputy Chair of the Technical Programme of the BCS Expert Systems'96 conference. Committee Chair and primary Co-ordinator for the 1st International Workshop on Applications of Qualitative Reasoning Systems held at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), Budapest, Hungary, August, 1996. Program committee member for the "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications 1996" conference and of the Workshop on Immunity-based Systems held at the Second International Conference on Multiagent Systems, ICMAS'96. Referee for the Software Engineering Journal, the Knowledge Engineering Review and the Expert Systems Journal

Lee, M H Member of the EPSRC peer review college for Computing. Reviewer for EPSRC Advanced Fellowships. Reviewer of Advanced Courses for CDP and IT Committees of EPSRC. Referee for the Public Good Science Fund of the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, New Zealand.

Long, F W Visiting Scientist at the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University Member of the Software Engineering Environments Conferences Steering Committee and of the programme committee for SEE '97. University of Wales moderator for the BSc in Business Computing and Information Technology at Informatics in Singapore.

Olivier, P L Chair of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence 1996 (AAAI-96) Spring Symposium on Cognitive and Computational Models of Spatial Representation, Stanford, USA, March, 1996. Chair of the Workshop on Representation and Processing of Spatial Expressions at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-96), Budapest, Hungary, August, 1996. Programme Committee Member of the Workshop on Conceptual Descriptions from Images, at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'96), Cambridge, UK, April, 1996.

Price, C J Institute of Electrical Engineers C4 committee on Artificial Intelligence.

Price, D E Committees of the Rural Wales Information Society project.

Pyle, I C Chief Examiner in Software Systems Engineering for the Engineering Council examination. Accreditation Committee of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

Tedd, M D SERC/DTI Systems Engineering Committee. Joint Information Systems Committee of the Higher Education Funding Councils(JISC). Advisory Committee on Networking (ACN). Follett Implementation Group for IT (FIGIT). Committee for Electronic Information (CEI). Chairman of the Welsh Advisory Committee on Telecommunications, of the ACN Monitoring Subcommittee, and of the JISC Standards Working Group. Vice Chairman of the Steering Group of the Rural Wales Information Society Project. Parent governor of Penglais School.


Bott, M F Ada Year Book (Chairman). BCS/Prentice Hall Practitioner Series.

Holstein, H H Alpha Books (Research Monographs and Theses in Computer Science).

Hunt, J E Expert Systems Journal (also Book Review Editor).

Lee, M H Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Journal of Systems Engineering.

Price, C J Book review editor of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.

Pyle, I C Series editor for the Wiley Series on software-based systems. IEE Computing and Control Engineering Journal. Guest editor for a special issue of the Software Engineering Journal.


Researchers: M H Lee, C J Price and J J Rowland
Sponsors: EPSRC

Research Area: Computer Support of Advanced Modelling Research

Financial Support: £44,181

Researchers: M H Lee
Sponsors: Industrial Research Ltd. (NZ)

Research Area: Applications of Artificial Intelligence to New Zealand Manufacturing

Financial Support: £4,415

Researchers: P L Olivier
Sponsors: Learned Societies Fund and Gooding Bequest

Research Area: Attendance at European Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Financial Support: £500

Researchers: M B Ratcliffe and G R Price (Computer Unit)
Sponsors: Outlook Funding

Research Area: An integrated remote advisory system

Financial Support: £4,500

Researchers: M B Ratcliffe
Sponsors: Teaching Innovations Fund

Research Area: Developing the Integrated Project Support Environment for Teaching

Financial Support: £1,100

Researchers: C J Price and M S Wilson
Sponsors: EPSRC and Jaguar Cars Ltd.

Research Area: Aquavit: Advancing Qualitative Analysis for Verification, Interaction, Analysis and Testing

Financial Support: £265,703

Researchers: C J Price
Sponsors: Ford Motor Company

Research Area: AutoSteve

Financial Support: £205,000

Researchers: C J Price
Sponsors: Brite-Euram

Research Area: VMBD: Vehicle Model-Based Diagnosis

Financial Support: 160,000 ECU

Researchers: J J Rowland with D B Kell (Biological Sciences)
Sponsors: HEFCW

Research Area: Intelligent Systems in Complex Biological and Biotechnological Analysis - an Industrial Support Facility

Financial Support: £96,000

Researchers: E M Sherratt
Sponsors: Screen: Service creation for telecommunications

Research Area: EU - ACTS Programme

Financial Support: £375,610

Researchers: H H Holstein and A W Savill (Centre for Health Informatics)
Sponsors: Office of Research and Development for Health and Social Care Wales

Research Area: Analysis of Technical Requirements for TeleHealth Care

Financial Support: £49,000

Researchers: M B Ratcliffe
Sponsors: JISC Technology Applications Programme

Research Area: NEAT: Networked Expertise, Advice and Tuition

Financial Support: £299,710

Researchers: J E Hunt and M S Wilson
Sponsors: UWA Research Fund

Research Area: Evolving Hierarchical Robot Behaviours

Financial Support: £2,000

Researchers: J E Hunt
Sponsors: MCL Software Ltd

Research Area: An investigation into the use of AI in fraud detection

Financial Support: £1,625

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Bott, M F Invited keynote speaker at the 1996 Conference on Professional Awareness in Software Engineering. London, February, 1996.

Bott, M F 'Changing Purchasers' Attitudes'. IEE Colloquium on Marketing Software Engineering. London, January, 1996.

Holstein, H H 'Human Spinal Motion in relation to Gait', S Khodadadeh and H Holstein, Xiii International Interbor Congress, Oslo, June 1996.

Holstein, H H 'The Kinematic Location of the Hip Joint Centre in Gait Studies', H Holstein, C Cain and S Khodadadeh, European Society for Movement Analysis in Children, Dublin, September 1996.

Hunt, J E Seminar on the applications of model-based and qualitative reasoning to the Computer Science and AI departments at the University of Edinburgh.

Hunt, J E Plenary talk at Computational Engineering in Systems Applications Conference.

King, R D Lecture to the Ettore Majorna Centre for Scientific Culture - International School of Crystallography.

Lee, M H Seminars given on AI in manufacturing at Auckland and Christchurch, New Zealand, under Collaborative Research Agreement between UWA and Industrial Research Ltd. March 1996.

Lee, M H 'Robotic Handling of Frozen Food.' Food Research Association, Leatherhead. June 1996.

Lee, M H 'Intelligent Behaviour-Based Control Systems,' 46th General Assembly of the International Institution for Production Engineering Research, Como, Italy. August 1996

Olivier, P L 'Decomposition and kinematic reasoning,' Cognitive and Computing Sciences Seminar, University of Sussex, Brighton, 1996.

Olivier, P L 'Decomposition and kinematic reasoning,' Logic and Artificial Intelligence Research Seminar, University of Leeds, 1996.

Price, D E 'The Internet and its potential for education.' Interskola. Harlech, July 1996.

Price, D E Internet Workshop for the Montgomeryshire Medical Society. Gregynog, September, 1996.

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An EPSRC Research Studentship was awarded to Andy Starr.

A BBSRC Research Studentship (joint with Institute of Biological Sciences) was awarded to Janet Taylor.

An Aberystwyth Research Studentship was awarded to Leonie Juritz.

Research studentships funded by the department were awarded to Darren Boyce, Robert Wartman and Alex Evans.

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Gautier, R J Evolution and Software Reuse

Dolphin, C M Low Level Communication Strategies for Manufacturing

Joseph, R M D The Organisation and Analysis of Diverse Sensor Data

Ahmed, A A Framework for the Design of Software for Robotic Sensing

Al Abalooshie, F A Multiple View Environment Supporting VDM and Ada


Shiakolas, P ROOTER: 3-D Reconstruction of Roots from 2-D Images Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques

The degree of M.Sc. in Computer Science was awarded to 26 candidates.