Computer Science     Cyfrifiadureg



During the year, Mr Frank Bott completed a heroic ten year stint as the Computer Science Department’s third Head. The department’s achievements during that period have been considerable. Under his leadership, the department has quadrupled its annual research income, and trebled its student intake. He will be a difficult act for his successor to follow. Early in the year, Professor Chris Price was awarded a personal chair by the University of Wales, and in September, he succeeded Mr Bott as Head of Department.  The excellent research being carried out by the Department’s Bioinformatics Group was also recognised with a University of Wales Readership for Dr Ross King.


Other notable changes were the retirement after many years as the Department’s “Mum” of administrator Mrs Rosemary Law, the departure of Drs Mark and Marie Neal to sail a yacht around the world, Mr Chris Loftus leaving to work in computer consulting, and Dr Roy Featherstone moving to the National University of Australia. We welcomed new permanent staff in administrator Dr Mora McCallum (previously the University’s timetabling officer), lecturers Dr Fred Labrosse and Dr Lynda Thomas, and Mr John Woodbury.


A highlight of the year was an extended visit by one of our honorary professors. Professor Pat Hayes, presently at the University of West Florida, has been a key figure in Artificial Intelligence research over the past three decades. He spent two weeks in Aberystwyth during November, and as well as giving two open lectures, he gave generously of his time and advice to both staff and research students.


The department was pleased and honoured to act as host to Professor Roger Needham, FRS, who gave the 2000 Gregynog Lectures on the topic Coming to Terms with Information Technology.  Professor Needham is the Director of Microsoft Research (UK) and was formerly Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cambridge and Head of the Computing Laboratory there.


Rhoddwyd Darlith Walter Idris Jones gan Sion Wyn, cyn fyfyrwr yr adran, ar y pwnc Alan Turing: Y Cyfrifiadur a'ch Meddwl.



The trend in increasing student numbers within the department continued with a record intake of 140 first year undergraduates. The MSc in Computer Science also recruited more than ever with an intake of 49 against a previous maximum of 38. The MSc has now been running for over 25 years and continues to be a successful venture, both for the full time course delivered in Aberystwyth and the more recent development of delivering a part-time version in Singapore. We were particularly pleased to welcome two of the students from the Singapore course who came to Aberystwyth for their graduation ceremony.


The emphasis in our courses on career related activities, and the enthusiasm with which our students embrace these, was exhibited to good effect in the Annual Careers Fair when the Computer Science team came second overall. Once again, comments from the industrial participants reflected the high regard that these people hold for our degree schemes.


As part of the College’s portfolio renewal exercise, we have launched new degrees in Internet Computing and Internet Engineering. These degree schemes are progressing well and look like attracting significant numbers in 2001. This is the culmination of a major effort by the staff involved, including the development of a dozen new modules.


Another new venture was the provision of an optional 20-credit module on The Environment of e-Commerce for the MSc in Management run by the School of Management and Business. This is a new departure for the department and had attracted most of the students taking the MSc.


The development of an objective testing system has proved to be very successful. We have introduced web based multiple-choice testing, for selected modules, every four weeks. This system has the advantage of not only providing a rapid turnaround of marks, but more importantly gives feedback to the students. By connecting to the email system, students are given an individualised report, which tells them which areas they need to study further. It certainly seems to be helping students improve their learning - in the last two years we have seen a gradual improvement in the ability of our students in the modules where we have introduced this scheme.


Members of the department’s academic staff continue to be in demand as external examiners for courses in other institutions. In 2000, they examined at the Universities of  Bournemouth, Staffordshire,  Reading

Glasgow, East London, Huddersfield, Karachi and Cranfield (Royal Military College of Science).




The Monet Network of Excellence in Model-Based Systems and Qualitative Reasoning has just completed its final year. Monet is one of 20 European Networks funded by the EC and consists of 85 research and industrial sites across Europe, coordinated and managed from UWA.


Our mission has been to promote MBS technology, both in research and applications, and to provide structure and coherence for the MBS community within Europe. The extent of our success could be seen at the recent ECAI2000 conference in Berlin (the 14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence). This is a tightly refereed conference (31% acceptance rate) and submissions came from 42 countries. So it was pleasing that, of 16 topic categories, MBS formed the joint second largest category, accounting for over 10% of the papers. This is a significant growth of activity from the meagre state of the subject three years ago.


Another major achievement was our one-week intensive summer school held in Bertinoro, Italy. A team of Monet members prepared an excellent programme, which was presented by an invited group of top world authorities. This very successful event enabled researchers, postgraduates, and industrialists to learn, interact and discuss state-of-the-art issues.


We are currently applying for funding for a further phase of Monet.


New funding for the model-based research group included a total of £460K for the Dougal project. This is a Foresight Vehicle grant with Ford, FirstEarth Limited and Avant! Limited continuing the group’s research in automated design software. We also installed a powerful new Sun Enterprise machine worth £600K to be used in the research of the group, jointly paid for by Sun Computers and the government’s JREI scheme.  The group also began new work in diagnostic software funded by Corus Limited.


The Bioinformatics Group continued its rapid growth with a number of new grants. Perhaps the most exciting is the Robot Scientist project. It performs close-looped learning, generating scientific hypotheses and designing experiments to test the hypotheses. The experiments are performed by robot, and the results fed back to the system. It was the basis of a recent article in New Scientist, and a follow-on discussion on the BBC Today programme. It is currently being used to discover the function of genes in newly sequenced organisms.


The Space Robotics aspect of the Robotics Group’s research has been attracting a lot of interest, both from the media, with a constant flow of cameramen and journalists through the Robot Lab, and also from other research groups. They have also been invited to join the Beagle-2 Mars Lander consortium. The Mars Lander is to be launched in 2003, and the group will be working on lander robot arm calibration, and software modelling and simulation for mission support. The group gave a live demonstration of its aerobot at the European Space Agency’s annual conference in Holland in the autumn.


The Department has responded to an increased external emphasis on technology transfer work with industry. Perhaps the best example of this is the work of Professor Mike Tedd and Mr Dave Price. Between them, they have won a number of consultancy grants for providing telematics assistance and advice to regional and national bodies such as Powys County Council, UW Lampeter and UKERNA.  They have also had a number of contracts concerning internet-based video conferencing, exploring network quality issues with today’s video technology, working on the National Video Technology Advisory service, and contributing to the SuperJANET 4 quality of service think-tank.


Two spin-off companies from research within the Department received venture capital funding from the Aberystwyth Challenge Fund. FirstEarth Limited has ten staff based in Aberystwyth, selling and supporting automated design software derived from the model-based reasoning group to engineering companies. Pharma DM is a company formed in collaboration with the Universities of Oxford and Leuven to exploit innovative learning approaches.


Members of the academic staff of the department have served as external examiners for research degrees in the Universities of Bristol, Loughborough, Manchester




Alsberg, B.K., Parsimonious multiscale classification models. Journal of Chemometrics, 14 (5-6), 529-539, 2000.


Alsberg, B.K. Wavelets in parsimonious functional data analysis models. In: Wavelets in chemistry, (Data Handling in Science and Technology, Vol.22), 351-410, (ed. B. Walczak), Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISBN 0444501118, 2000.


Bachmann, F., Bass,L., Buhman, C., Comella-Dorda, S., Long,F. Robert,J. Seacord,R. and Wallnau,K. Volume II: Technical Concepts of Component-Based Software Engineering: SEI Technical Report, CMU/SEI-2000-TR-008, May 2000.


Barnes D. P., Summers P., Shaw A. An Investigation into Aerobot Technologies for Planetary Exploration. 6th ESA Workshop on Advanced Space Technologies for Robotics and Automation, ASTRA 2000, ESTEC NL, pp. 3.6-5, Dec. 2000.


Bass, L., Buhman, C., Comella-Dorda, S., Long, F., Robert, J., Seacord, R.  and Wallnau, K. Volume I: Market Assessment of Component-Based Software Engineer­ing", SEI Special Report, CMU/SEI-2000-SR-007, May 2000.


Bott, M.F., Coleman, J.A., Eaton, J and Rowland, D.  Professional Issues in Soft­ware Engineering. (Third edition)  Taylor and Francis, London, 2000. pp xvi+364.


Bott, M.F. Software as a corporate asset.  IEE Proceedings - Software. 147 (2), pp31-36.  April 2000.


Carney, D. and Long, F. What Do You Mean by COTS?:  Finally, a Useful Answer. IEEE Software 17 (2), March/April 2000, pp. 83-86.


Featherstone, R.  On the Limits to Invar­iance in the Twist/Wrench and Motor Representations of Motion and Force Vectors'.  Proc. Ball Centenary Symposium, Cambridge, UK, July 9-12, 2000.


Featherstone, R., Rigid Body Dynamics Algorithm for Parallel Computers, ERCIM News, 42, pp.39-40, July 2000.


Featherstone, R., and Orin, D. E. Robot Dynamics: Equations and Algorithms. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation, San Francisco, CA, April 24-28, pp. 826-834, 2000.

Frielingsdorf, B., Price, C.J. and  Mont­gomery, T.A. Whole Lifecycle Electrical Design Analysis.  In Electronic Systems for Vehicles, Baden-Baden, October 2000.


Gilbert R.J., Rowland J.J. and Kell D.B., Genomic computing: explanatory modelling for functional genomics. In Proc. Genetic and Evolutionary Computing Conference, GECCO 2000, Las Vegas. pp 551-557.


Goodacre, R., Shann, B., Gilbert, R.J., Timmins, É.M., McGovern, A.C., Alsberg, B.K., Kell, D.B. and Logan, N.A. The detection of the dipicolinic acid biomarker in Bacillus spores using Curie-point pyrolysis mass spectrometry and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry, 72, 119-127, 2000.


Kell, D., & King, R.D On the optimization of classes for the assignment of unidentified reading frames in functional genomics programmes: the need for machine learning. Trends in Biotechnology 18, pp93-98, 2000


King R., Garrett S, & Coghill G. M. Bioinformatic System Identification. Proc 2nd International Conference on Bio-Informatics of Genome Regulation and Structure, Novosibirsk, Russia, August 7-11, 2000.


King, R.D., Ouali, M., Strong, A.T., Aly, A., Elmaghraby, A., Kantardzic, M., & Page, D.  Is it better to combine predictions? Protein Engineering 13, pp15-19, 2000.


King, R.D., Page, D., & Ouali, M. Combining Legacy Prediction Systems in Bioinformatics.  In: R.S Michalski & P.B. Brazdil (eds.):  Fifth International Workshop on Multistrategy Learning (MSL 2000), pp 77-90, 2000


King, R.D., Karwath, A., Clare, A. & Dehaspe, L.  Genome scale prediction of protein functional class from sequence using data mining. In: R. Ramakrishnan, S. Stolfo, R. Bayardo, & I Parsa (eds.): Proc Sixth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. pp. 384-389. The Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, 2000


King, R.D., Karwath, A., Clare, A. & Dehaspe, L.  Accurate prediction of protein functional class in the M. tuberculosis and E. coli genomes using data mining.  Yeast (Comparative and Functional Genomics) 17, pp283-293, 2000.


Lee M.H.  Tactile Sensing: new directions, new challenges.  Int J.Robotics Research 19 (7), pp636-643. July  2000.


Lee M.H., Model-Based Reasoning: A Principled Approach for Software Engineering,  Software - Concepts and Tools, 19(4), pp179-189, 2000.


Lee M.H., Many-Valued Logic and Qualitative Modelling of Electrical Circuits.  In Proc. QR’2000: 14th Int. Workshop on Qualitative Reasoning, Morelia, Mexico, June 3rd - 7th, 2000.


Lee M.H., Qualitative Modelling of Linear Networks in Engineering Applications.  In Proc. ECAI’2000: 14th European Conf. on Artificial Intelligence, pp161-5. Berlin, August 19th - 25th, 2000.


Lee M.H., Qualitative Modelling of Linear Networks in ECAD Applications", Expert Update, 3 (2), pp23-32, BCS SGES 2000.


Lee,M.H. and Garrett, S.M. Qualitative modelling of unknown interface behaviour, International Journal of Human Computer Studies, 53 (4), pp. 493-515, 2000.


Long, F.  Avoiding Garbage Collection in Java Applications.  Java Report, 5 (1), pp.28-34. January 2000.


Ouali, M. & King, R.D.  Cascaded multiple classifiers for secondary structure prediction. Prot. Sci  9, 1162-1176. 2000.


Price, C.J.  AutoSteve: Automated Electrical Design Analysis.  In: Proceedings ECAI-2000: Prestigious Applications of Artificial Intelligence (PAIS-2000), pp721-725.  Berlin, August 2000,


Shaw A., Summers P., Geneste E. and Barnes D.  ALTAIR-1: A laboratory based aerobot for planetary exploration experiments.  In: Proc. EUREL European Advanced Robotics Systems, Masterclass and Conference, Salford UK, April 2000.


Sherratt, E.M. and Loftus, C.W.

Designing distributed services with SDL. IEEE Concurrency, 8 (1).  January-March 2000.


Snooke,N.A., Montgomery, T.A. and Price, C.J.  Whole Lifecycle Electrical Design Analysis, 45th Intl Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. Los Angeles, January 2000.


Sternberg, M.J.E., King, R.D., Srinivasan, A. & Muggleton, S.H. Drug design by machine learning.  Machine Intelligence 15 pp 328-338. 2000


Williams, T.G., Rowland J.J., Lee M.H. and Neal, M.J.  Teaching by Example in Food Assembly by Robot.  Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. On Robotics and Automation, pp3247-52.  San Francisco, April 2000.


Williams, T.G. and Hardy, N.W. The Application of Behaviour-Based Method­ologies to Compliant Motion Control Proceedings of SYROCO 2000.  Vienna, Austria, 2000.


Wilson,M.S. Preston: A System for the Evaluation of Behaviour Sequences. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Robot Learning.  24, pp 185-208. 2000.


Wilson,M.S. and Neal,M.J. Telerobotic Sheepdogs: how useful is autonomous behaviour? In: Meyer,J.A., Berthoz,A., Floreano,D., Roitblat,H.L and Wilson,S.W. (eds) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Simulation of Adaptive Behaviour  pp 125—134.  2000.





Barnes, D P. Member of the Panel of Examiners for the British Computer Society Professional Examination Board. Co-ordinator for Engineering Science, Adjunct Scientists Committee. ‘Beagle 2’ 2003 ESA Mars Mission. Member of the EPSRC Peer Review College 2000-2002.


Bott, M. F. Member of the British Computer Society Professional Examinations Board.


Coghill, G M. Chairman of the MONET executive board.


Lee, M H.. Member of CRIT-2, research cooperation in Information Technology with Prof. Mariusz Flasinski of the Artificial Intelligence Systems Dept., Institute of Computer science, Jagiellonian University, Cracow, Poland. Member of the International Programme Committee of Second Int. Workshop on European Scientific and Industrial Collaboration to Promote Advanced Technologies in Manufacturing. University Subject Panel Member at U.W. Swansea and UCW Newport


Long, F W. Visiting Scientist at the Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. University of Wales Moderator for the BSc in Business Computing and Information Technology at Informatics, Singapore. University Subject Panel Member at the Swansea Institute of Higher Education.


Price, C J. Member of the EPSRC College.


Price, D E. HEFCW/FWFECW funded Welsh Video Network. Procurement Panel Member. Review Group for Academic Computer Service, UW, Lampeter. External Consultant. SuperJanet 4, Quality of Service Think Tank member. UKERNA.


Tedd, M D. Chairman of the Welsh Advisory Committee on Telecommunications. Chairman of OFTEL’s Consumer Panel. Vice Chairman of the Steering Group of the Llwybr/Pathway (Rural Wales Information Society) Project. Vice Chairman of the Governors of Penglais School.




Bott, M.F. Member of the Editorial Board of the Practitioner Series, published jointly by the BCS and Springer Verlag.


Lee, M H. Member of Editorial Board of Artificial Intelligence in Engineering, Elsevier Science. Member of Editorial Board of Artificial Intelligence Communications, IOS Press


Price, C J. Member of Editorial Board of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence.




Researchers:                 B K Alsberg

Sponsors:                     EPSRC

Research Area:              Solving peak shift problems in infrared spectroscopy with the peak parameter representation.

Financial Support:            £60,000


Researchers:                 G M Coghill

Sponsor:                       CORUS (UK)

Research Area               A Feasibility Study on Model-based Diagnosis for an Ammonia Washer System.

Financial Support: £3500


Researchers:                 G M Coghill

Sponsor:                       CORUS (UK)

Research Area:              CASE Award

Financial Support:            £11,000


Researchers:                 D B Kell, J J Rowland and B K Alsberg

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              Registration and compression of proteome gel images using a novel transform.

Financial Support:            £185,388


Researchers:                 R D King, J J Rowland and G M Coghill

Sponsors:                     Royal Society/Wolfson

Research Area:              Laboratory Refurbishment in Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics

Financial Support:            £70,965


Researchers:                 Lee, M H, Price, C J & Rowland J J

Sponsors:                     HEFCW-JERI and Sun Computers

Research Area:              Efficient and Effective Automated Electrical Design Analysis for Vehicles

Financial Support:            £324,248 (JERI), £276,968 (Sun Computers


Researchers:                 M H Lee

Sponsors:                     HEFCW TACS Plan

Research Area:              Funding for Marketing Manager for Centre for Intelligent Systems

Financial Support:            £15,000


Researchers:                 D E Price, R Ash

Sponsors:                     Powys County Council

Research Area:              IT infrastructure review

Financial Support:            £8,000


Researchers:                 D E Price

Sponsors:                     UKERNA

Research Area:              VIP Demonstration Project

Financial Support:            £10,000


Researchers:                 D E Price

Sponsors:                     University of Newcastle

Research Area:              Video Technologies Advisory Service. Technical Advisor (via UKERNA).

Financial Support:            £4,000



In addition, the following research work funded by outside institutions continued during 2000.


Researchers:                 G M Coghill

Sponsor:                       EPSRC

Research Area:              Model Switching in Diagnosis

Financial support:            £52,738


Researchers:                 R Goodacre, D B Kell and J J Rowland

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              Characterisation of Intact Microorganisms using Electrospray Ionisation Mass Spectrometry

Financial Support:            £205,640


Researchers:                 D B Kell, J J Rowland and B K Alsberg

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              Making the most of a Genome Sequence: the Application of Transcriptome and Proteome Analysis to Streptomyces….

Financial Support:            £232,980


Researchers:                 D B Kell and J J Rowland

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              Functional Genomics via the Metabolome

Financial Support:            £321,360


Researcher:                   R D King

Sponsor:                       EPSRC

Research Area:              Deep Database mining

Financial Support:            £53,117


Researchers:                 R D King and B K Alsberg

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              Inductive Logic programming for 3-Dimensional Structure Based Drug Design

Financial Support:            £146,664


Researchers:                 R D King, D B Kell, J J Rowland, B K Alsberg, G M Coghill et al.

Sponsors:                     Royal Society/ Wolfson Foundation

Research Area:              Laboratory Refurbishment for Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics in Computer Science and Biological Sciences

Financial Support:            £100,465


Researchers:                 R D King, Oliver S G, G M Coghill, D B Kell amd Srinivasan, A.

Sponsor:                       BBSRC

Research Area:              Bioinformatic System Identification.

Financial Support: £160,696


Researchers:                 R D King, J J Rowland and D B Kell

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              The Robot Scientist: Application to Functional Genomics

Financial Support:            £313,380


Researchers:                 R D King

Sponsors:                     BBSRC/EPSRC

Research Area:              Improved Protein Secondary Structure Prediction

Financial Support:            £140,968


Researchers:                 R D King

Sponsors:                     EPSRC

Research Area:              Closed Loop Machine Learning

Financial Support:            £182,567


Researchers                  M H Lee, Coghill, G M and Price C J

Sponsors:                     EU

Research Area               MONET: The European Network of Excellence in Qualitative and Model-Based Reasoning

Financial Support:            675,000ecu


Researchers:                 C J Price and N A Snooke

Sponsors:                     EPSRC/ Ford (USA)

Research Area:              Dougal- Whole Vehicle Whole Lifecycle Electrical Design Analysis.

Financial Support:            £475,528


Researcher:                   J J Rowland

Sponsors:                     BBSRC

Research Area:              ‘Teaching by Example’ for Flexible Automation in Food Product Assembly.

Financial Support:            £163,904


Researchers                  J J Rowland, D P Barnes, R Featherstone, H Holstein, M Wilson

Sponsors:                     HEFCW Research Capital Initiative

Research Area:              A Motion Tracking Facility for Robotics and Biomechanics

Financial Support:            £100,000


Researcher:                   M D Tedd and D E Price

Sponsor:                       Llwybr/Pathway

Research Area:              Llwybr/Pathway Technical Support Centre

Financial Support:            £111,815







King, R. D. Bioinformatics in genome regulation and structure. BGRS2000 Fifth International workshop on Multistrategy Learning at GPCVI 2000


Price, D.E. Overview of Videoconferencing Technology. Welsh Video Network Briefing Day. Gregynog, June 2000


Price, D.E. Past Experiences of Using the MBone and MBone Applications. Invited Speaker, London Internet Exchange (LINX), Multicast Seminar, July 2000


Price, D.E. Mbone Application Configurations and Resource Requirements. Invited Speaker, London Internet Exchange (LINX), Multicast Seminar, July 2000


Thomas, L. A. The influence of learning styles on Software Engineering Education. CSEET, Texas 2000


Thomas, L. A. The implication of different learning styles on the modeling of object-oriented systems. ICSE 2000, Limerick


Williams, T. G. ABLE assembly by learning from examples. Younger Engineers Reception, House of Commons December 2000




An EPSRC Research Studentship was awarded to Gareth Bowker.


A Department Studentship was awarded to Emmanuel Geneste







Lush, Alan. A Hybrid-Behavioural Architecture for Industrial Robotic Manipulation.


Huss, Richard. The Effect of Cartilage Deformation on the Human Knee Joint.


Reiser, Philip. Evolutionary Algorithms for Learning Formulae in first-order Logic


King, Clive. Retrospective Empirical Analysis of Distributed System Software


Fuell, Helen. Determining the Usage of Networks


Timmis, Jon. Artificial Immune Systems:  A Novel Data Analysis Technique Inspired by the Immune Network Theory


Lacey, Nick. The Relevance and Application of Epistimological Theories to Agent Knowledge Bases


Taylor, Janet. Genetic Programming & Genetic Algorithms in the Spectroscopic Analysis of Biological Samples




Pickering, Jon. Automatic Camera Planning


Gregory-Smith, Jeanette. The Collection, Analysis and Use of Data in General Practice


Boyce, Darren Spatial Structures and Metaphors for Visualization and Control





The Degree of MSc in Computer Science was awarded to 37 candidates, including 3 who studied for the degree in Singapore.





Featherstone, R Organised and chaired the Dynamics Symposium within IEEE ICRA 2000. Member of scientific committee on ICRA 2000. Member of scientific committee on ISR 2000.


Lee, M. H. Member of Advisory Board of AID2000 - the 6th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Design. Member of International Programme Committee of Second International Workshop on European Scientific and Industrial Collaboration to Promote Advanced Technologies in Manufacturing.


Long, F. Member of the programme committee for CoSET 2000. Member of the programme committee and publicity co-chair for ICCBSS.