Learning outcomes
Typically, upon completion fo this module, students will be able to:
demonstrate knowledge of the development of broadcasting within social, political, economic, cultural and technological contexts
demonstrate understanding of television in terms of textual analysis
The module will begin by posing the question `Why study Television?` Students will then examine the history of broadcasting, broadcasting policy and regulation from the 1920s to the current Communications Bill. Television as text and the grammar of television will be analysed. There will be a focus in depth on television genres (drama, documentary, soap, comedy etc) including hybrid genre and the works of significant individual artists will be given due attention. The relationship with audiences will also be studied.
To present a broad base knowledge of television by means of an analysis of a range of issues from the academic study of television, history of broadcasting in the UK, current structures and policy, the grammar of television, television as text, television genres and the relationship between television and audiences.
Reading Lists
** Essential Reading
Eldridge et al. (1997)
The Mass Media and Power in Modern Britain. Oxford University Press
Curran, James & Seaton, Jean. (1997)
Power Without Responsibility. 5th. Routledge
Fiske & Hartley. (1978)
Reading Television. Routledge
McQueen, David. (1998)
Television: A media student's guide. Arnold
Selby and Cowdery. (1995)
How to Study Television. Macmillan
** Recommended Background
McQuail, Dennis. (1994)
Mass Communications Theory. Sage
O'Sullivan et al. (1998)
Studying the Media. Arnold
Stokes, Jenny & Reading, Anna. (1999)
Broadcasting in Britain: Current Debates and Developments.
Williams, Raymond. (1990)
Television, Technology and Cultural Form. Routledge