Waste and recycling on campus
Adriana Cahill, who graduated in Business and Climate Change in the summer and is now embarking on an MSc in International Business and Marketing, writes about how you can play your part in reducing plastic waste and helping with recycling in your accommodation and on campus:
Something that may come as a surprise to you when you first arrive at the University is the sustainability culture that’s consistent throughout campus.
Plastic Free University
Aberystwyth University became the first university in the world to receive the ‘Plastic Free University Certificate’ in 2018. The marine conservation charity Surfers Against Sewage awarded this certification to highlight the University’s commitment to helping reduce plastic pollution in the marine environment.
The University has pledged to reduce its use of single-use plastics across campus. The Student Union shop sells Aberystwyth University branded reusable coffee cups - mine’s a cute red one.
Separating waste on campus and in accommodation
Wales is ranked number two in the world in recycling, behind Austria, and the proper separation of waste is taken very seriously here.
Earlier this year, new laws were introduced in Wales which means that waste at the University has to be sorted for recycling.
If you’re an international student like myself, you may find the bin system here a bit confusing. On campus, the bins are split into 5 categories: Glass recycling, Cardboard recycling, Plastic and Metal recycling, Food Waste, and General non-recyclable waste.
Any food left behind in containers needs to be rinsed out before placing them in their allocated bins.
Information about what goes in what bin is available at: www.aber.ac.uk/en/efr/facilities/waste
If you are living in University accommodation, you can receive the recycling and food waste bin bags from the Accommodation Office, but you will need to purchase the general waste bin bags (my flat created a rota for buying communal items such as black bin bags and kitchen soap).
I hope this blog has helped you to find out a bit more about how you can be a little greener during your time in Aber.
Unless otherwise stated, the views contained within these blogs are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of Aberystwyth University.