BA International Politics / Spanish [LRF4]
Academic Year 2025/2026
Campus Aberystwyth
Joint Honours scheme - available from 2000/2001
Last intake year is 2020/2021
Duration 4 years
Award Eligiblity
Standard Awards Excellence Scholarship;
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary
Part 1 Rules
Year 1 Core (40 Credits)
Year 1 Timetable Core/Student Option
SPANISH ADVANCED: you must take:
Year 1 Timetable Core/Student Option
SPANISH BEGINNERS: you must take:
Year 1 Options
All students must take 20 credits (1 module) of optional modules in International Politics.
The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789
Year 1 Options
SPANISH ADVANCED: you must take SP10610 and must also choose an additional 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:
Year 1 Options
SPANISH BEGINNERS: you must choose 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:
Part 2 Rules
Year 2 Core (30 Credits)
Year 2 Core (20 Credits)
Year 2 Options
Choose 30 credits of the following SP or EL modules but note that you cannot take both SP20010 and SP20310:
Brazilian / Portuguese Language II
Extended Essay Module
Spanish American Cinema
Brazilian / Portuguese Language II
The Spanish Avant-Garde
Seeing Spain Through Cinema
Cuban Cinema of the Revolution: Crisis, National Identity and the Critique of Contemporary Society
Extended Essay Module
Language of Business and Current Affairs 1
Year 2 Options
Students must take 40 credits (2 modules) of International Politics optional modules from the list of those made available at pre-registration.
People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
International Politics and Global Development
Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
The BRICS in World Politics
Science, Technology, and International Relations
Y Meddwl Cymreig mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
Climate Change and International Politics in the Anthropocene
Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
The Second World War in Europe
The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
Climate Change Politics
Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
Total War, Total Peace
Intervention and Humanitarianism
Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
Questions of International Politics
Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
Political Theory
Devolution and Wales
Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
War Crimes
Datganoli a Chymru
A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
Contemporary Latin America
Capitalism and International Politics
Year 3 Core ( Credits)
Your compulsory Year Abroad modules for International Politics
Year 3 Core (60 Credits)
Final Year Core (30 Credits)
Final Year Options
Final year students must take 60 credits in the Department of International Politics.
Y Meddwl Cymreig Mewn Syniadaeth Ryngwladol
The BRICS in World Politics
Gwleidyddiaeth mewn Cymdeithasau Amrywiaethol
The European Union: Politics, Policies, Problems
Russian intelligence from Lenin to Putin
The Second World War in Europe
Climate Change Politics
Total War, Total Peace
Intervention and Humanitarianism
Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
Science, Technology, and International Relations
Devolution and Wales
Political Theory
Trade Wars and the Liberal Order
A War on the Mind: Propaganda and Secret Intelligence from the Great War to the 21st Century
Questions of International Politics
Datganoli a Chymru
Militaries and Crisis: Where Strategy Meets Society
Capitalism and International Politics
Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
War Crimes
Terrorism & Counter Terrorism in the Modern World: Policing, Intelligence & War
Contemporary Latin America
Final Year Options
Contact for this page:
Modern Languages, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DY
Telephone Department: +44 01970 622552 Admissions: +44 (0)1970 622021