BSC Mathematics [G10F]
Academic Year 2025/2026
Campus Aberystwyth
Single Honours scheme - available from 2015/2016
Duration 4 years
Award Eligiblity
Standard Awards Excellence Scholarship;
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary
Part 1 Rules
Part 2 Rules
Final Year Options
Choose 90 - 120 credits from the following modules
Group Theory
Cyflwyniad i Addysgu Mathemateg mewn Ysgol Uwchradd
Differential Geometry of Curves and Surfaces
Normau a Hafaliadau Differol
Project in Mathematics or Statistics
Linear Statistical Models
Hydrodynamics ii
Prosiect Mewn Mathemateg neu Ystadegaeth
Hafaliadau Differol Rhannol
Integral Transforms
Stochastic Models in Finance
Lebesgue Integration
Mathematical Models of Biological Systems
Comparative Statistical Inference
Operator Algebra
Probability and Stochastic Processes
Topics in Biological Statistics
Dulliau Asymptotig mewn Mecaneg
Prosiect Mewn Mathemateg neu Ystadegaeth
Project in Mathematics or Statistics
Graffiau a Rhwydweithiau
Final Year Electives
Choose 0 - 30 credits, as advised by the mathematics department
Contact for this page:
Mathematics, Aberystwyth University, Physical Sciences Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3BZ
Telephone Department: +44 01970 622802 Admissions: +44 (0)1970 622021