BA Medieval and Early Modern History [V190]
Academic Year 2024/2025
Campus Aberystwyth
Single Honours scheme - available from 2002/2003
Duration 3 years
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary
Part 1 Rules
Year 1 Core (20 Credits)
Year 1 Options
Choose 100 credits of modules (of which at least 60 must be taken in the History & Welsh History department):
Concwest, Uno a Hunaniaeth yng Nghymru 1200-1800
Medieval and Early Modern Britain and Europe, 1000-1800
The Modern World, 1789 to the present
Part 2 Rules
Year 2 Core (20 Credits)
Year 2 Options
Students MUST take one 20 credit SKILLS module in semester two:
Memory, Myth and History: Investigating Medieval Chronicles, c. 1000-1250
Victorian Visions: Exploring Nineteenth-Century Exhibitions
Gwrando ar Hanes: Y mudiad Hawliau Sifil yn America
Recounting Racism: Oral History and Modern American Race Relations.
Interdisciplinary and decolonial history
Year 2 Options
Students should choose 80 credits worth of OPTION modules in the Department of History & Welsh History (though students may opt to take up to 20 credits outside the department if they wish):
Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
African-American History, 1808 to the Present
Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
Rhyfel Cartref America
Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
Science, Religion and Magic
Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
Germany since 1945
Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c.1400 to the present)
Final Year Core (40 Credits)
Final Year Options
Students MUST take two co-requisite 20-credit SPECIAL SUBJECT modules (the first part running in semester one and the complementary module in semester two):
Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 1
The Invisible Empires: The First Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1865-1915
Gwrthryfel Glynd?r 1: Hynt a Helynt y Gwrthryfel
From Burma to Myanmar (Part I): colonial Burma under British rule (1824-1941)
The English Reformation, 1520-58: Revolution and Counter Revolution
From Burma to Myanmar (Part II): Challenges for a young nation state since 1942
Gwrthryfel Glynd?r 2: Cwestiynau Allweddol
The English Reformation, 1558-1648: Consolidation and Conflict
Cathedrals in Medieval England and Wales Part 2
The Invisible Empires: The Second Ku Klux Klan and American Society, 1915-1944
Final Year Options
Students should take 40 credits of OPTION modules (taking one 20-credit option module in each semester):
Stori yr Unol Daleithiau ar Ffilm a Theledu, 1865-2008
Science, Religion and Magic
The Tudors: A European Dynasty?
African-American History, 1808 to the Present
Rhyfel Cartref America
Magic in the Middle Ages: From Antiquity to the Eve of the Witch Craze
Media and Society in Twentieth Century Britain
Southeast Asia at the crossroads (c. 1400 to the present)
Germany since 1945
Crime, Riot and Morality in Wales 1750-1850
The Atlantic World, 1492-1825
The Making of Europe: Christendom and beyond, c. 1000-1300
Cymru a Brenhinoedd Prydain: Gwrthdaro, Grym a Hunaniaeth yn Ynysoedd Prydain, 1039-1417
Trosedd, Terfysg a Moesoldeb yng Nghymru 1750-1850
Contact for this page:
History and Welsh History, Aberystwyth University, International Politics Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3FE
Telephone Department: +44 01970 621917 Admissions: +44 (0)1970 622021