BA English Literature and Creative Writing [QW3F]
Academic Year 2024/2025
Campus Aberystwyth
Single Honours scheme - available from 2019/2020
Duration 4 years
Award Eligiblity
Standard Awards Excellence Scholarship;
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary
Part 1 Rules
Year 2 Core (40 Credits)
Critical Practice
Year 2 Options
Students must take at least 40 credits and up to 80 credits from the following modules:
Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature
American Literature 1819-1925
Literature And The Sea
Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now
Beginning Creative Writing Part 2
Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
Introduction to Poetry
Ancestral Voices
Contemporary Writing
Language Awareness for TESOL
Greek and Roman Epic and Drama
Year 2 Electives
Students may register up to 40 credits from other departments
Part 2 Rules
Year 3 Core (20 Credits)
Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
Year 3 Options
Choose at least 20 credits and a maximum of 40 credits from the following:
Year 3 Options
Choose at least 20 credits and a maximum of 40 credits from the following:
In the Olde Dayes: Medieval Texts and Their World
Classical Drama and Myth
Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
Place and Self
Year 3 Options
Available both years Electives
Over years 2 and 3, up to 40 credits of elective modules may be selected from those offered by other departments subject to timetable restraints and approval by the department
Final Year Timetable Core/Student Option
Choose 40 credits from the following:
Final Year Options
Choose at least 40 credits and a maximum of 60 credits from the following:
Final Year Options
Contact for this page:
English and Creative Writing, Aberystwyth University, Hugh Owen Building, Penglais, Aberystwyth, SY23 3DY
Telephone Department: +44 01970 622534 Admissions: +44 (0)1970 622021