- Accounting N4430 ( MPHL )
- Accounting N4430 ( PHD )
- Accounting and Finance N400 (Single Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance N40F (Single Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance (Top-up) N40T (Single Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance / Business and Management N4N1 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance / Economics N4L1 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance / Marketing N4N9 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance / Spanish NR44 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Accounting and Finance and Computing NG34 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Advanced Computer Science G493 ( MSC )
- Advanced Computer Science G502 ( MSC ) January Start
- Advanced Computer Science (with integrated industrial placement) G503 ( MSC ) January Start
- Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) G498 ( MSC )
- Advanced Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) G504 ( MSC ) January Start
- Advanced Media Production G4P3D ( MSC ) February Start
- Advanced Media Production G4P3D ( MSC ) June Start
- Advanced Media Production G4P3D ( MSC )
- Adventure Tourism Management N870 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture D4200 ( PHDPW )
- Agriculture D4200 ( MPHL )
- Agriculture D4200 ( PHD )
- Agriculture D402 (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- Agriculture D402 (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- Agriculture H21Y (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture D404F (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- Agriculture D410D ( MRES ) January Start
- Agriculture D410D ( MRES ) May Start
- Agriculture D410D ( MRES )
- Agriculture D410D3 ( MRES )
- Agriculture H21F (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture H22Y (Top Up BSC )
- Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) D401 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture (with integrated year in industry) D403 (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- Agriculture with Animal Science 53C8 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture with Animal Science 53CF (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture with Animal Science (with integrated year in industry) D4D3 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture with Business Management D4N2 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture with Business Management D4NF (Single Honours BSC )
- Agriculture with Business Management (with integrated year in industry) 4D12 (Single Honours BSC )
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND ( MSC ) January Start
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND ( MSC ) May Start
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND ( MSC )
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND3 ( MSC ) January Start
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND3 ( MSC ) May Start
- Agrifood Innovation D67ND3 ( MSC )
- Agrifood Innovation J792D ( MRES ) January Start
- Agrifood Innovation J792D ( MRES ) May Start
- Agrifood Innovation J792D ( MRES )
- Agrifood Innovation J792D3 ( MRES ) January Start
- Agrifood Innovation J792D3 ( MRES ) May Start
- Agrifood Innovation J792D3 ( MRES )
- Animal Behaviour C120 (Single Honours BSC )
- Animal Behaviour C12F (Single Honours BSC )
- Animal Behaviour (with integrated year in industry) C122 (Single Honours BSC )
- Animal Science D306 (Single Honours BSC )
- Animal Science D310 ( MSC )
- Animal Science D30F (Single Honours BSC )
- Animal Science D311 ( MRES )
- Animal Science D312D ( UCRT ) January Start
- Animal Science D312D ( UCRT ) May Start
- Animal Science D312D ( UCRT )
- Animal Science (with integrated year in industry) D307 (Single Honours BSC )
- Applied Mathematics / Pure Mathematics G130 (Single Honours BSC )
- Applied Mathematics / Statistics GG13 (Single Honours BSC )
- Archive Administration P192D ( MA )
- Archive Administration P192D2 ( MA )
- Archives and Records Management P132 ( MA )
- Archives and Records Management P132D ( MA ) April Start
- Archives and Records Management P132D ( MA )
- Archives and Records Management P132D2 ( MA ) April Start
- Archives and Records Management P132D2 ( MA )
- Art V3730 ( PHDPW )
- Art V3730 ( MPHL )
- Art V3730 ( PHD )
- Art A1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Art A1221 ( DPROF )
- Art History V350 (Single Honours BA )
- Art History V393 ( MA )
- Art and Design WW12CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Artificial Intelligence G790 ( MSC )
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics GH76 (Single Honours BSC )
- Artificial Intelligence and Robotics (with integrated year in industry) GH7P (Single Honours BSC )
- Astrophysics F510 (Single Honours BSC )
- Astrophysics F511 (Integrated Masters MPHYS )
- Astrophysics F512 (Single Honours BSC )
- Astudiaethau Cyfieithu Proffesiynol Q596 ( MA )
- Astudiaethau Cyfieithu Proffesiynol Q596 ( UCRT )
- Behaviour Change C801 ( MSC )
- BioInnovation J790D ( MSC ) February Start
- BioInnovation J790D ( MSC ) January Start
- BioInnovation J790D ( MSC ) June Start
- BioInnovation J790D ( MSC ) May Start
- BioInnovation J790D ( MSC )
- BioInnovation J791D ( MRES ) February Start
- BioInnovation J791D ( MRES ) January Start
- BioInnovation J791D ( MRES ) June Start
- BioInnovation J791D ( MRES ) May Start
- BioInnovation J791D ( MRES )
- BioInnovation J1221D ( DPROF ) January Start
- BioInnovation J1221D ( DPROF ) May Start
- BioInnovation J1221D ( DPROF )
- BioInnovation J790D3 ( MSC ) January Start
- BioInnovation J790D3 ( MSC ) May Start
- BioInnovation J790D3 ( MSC )
- Biochemistry C700 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biochemistry C709 (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Biochemistry C70F (Single Honours BSC )
- Biochemistry C79F (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Biochemistry (with integrated year in industry) C701 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biodiversity and Conservation Management J790 ( MSC )
- Bioleg gyda Gwyddoniaeth Gytbwys 3DGQ ( PGCE )
- Biological Sciences C1250 ( PHDPW )
- Biological Sciences C1250 ( PHD )
- Biological Sciences C1250 ( PHD )
- Biological Sciences C1250 ( MPHL )
- Biological Sciences C1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Biological Sciences C1221 ( DPROF )
- Biological Sciences C1250I ( MPHL )
- Biological Sciences C1250I ( PHD )
- Biological Sciences C1250I ( PHD )
- Biological Sciences C1250I ( PHDPW )
- Biological Sciences / Computer Science C1250S ( PHD )
- Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences and Physics CF130 ( PHD )
- Biology C100 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology C109 (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Biology C101 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology C09F (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Biology (with integrated year in industry) C102 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology and Climate Change FC71 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology and Climate Change FC7F (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology and Climate Change (with integrated year in industry) FC72 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biology with Balanced Science 3DGP ( PGCE )
- Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) B990 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) B99F (Single Honours BSC )
- Biomedical Sciences (Nutrition, Health and Exercise) (with integrated year in industry) B991 (Single Honours BSC )
- Biosciences C190 ( MRES )
- Biotechnology J701 ( MSC )
- Business Administration N1834 ( MBA ) January Start
- Business Administration N1834 ( MBA )
- Business Economics L113 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Economics L11F (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Finance N310 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Finance N31F (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Information Technology G500 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Information Technology G50F (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Information Technology (with integrated year in industry) G501 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business Law M140 (Single Honours LLB )
- Business and Climate Change FN71 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business and Management N122 (Single Honours BSC )
- Business and Management N12F (Single Honours BSC )
- Business and Management (Top-up) N12T (Single Honours BSC )
- Business and Management / French NR11 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Business and Management / German NR12 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Business and Management / Spanish NR14 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Business and Management and Computing NG14 (Joint Honours BSC )
- By Research M1866 ( LLM )
- Celtic Studies Q500 (Single Honours BA )
- Childhood Studies X320 (Single Honours BA )
- Childhood Studies X320 (Single Honours BA )
- Childhood Studies X321 (Foundation Degree FDA )
- Computer Graphics, Vision and Games G450 (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Graphics, Vision and Games (with integrated year in industry) G451 (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science G400 (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science G4313 ( PHDPW )
- Computer Science G4313 ( PHD )
- Computer Science G4313 ( MPHL )
- Computer Science G40F (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science G409 (Integrated Masters MCOMP )
- Computer Science G1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Computer Science G1221 ( DPROF )
- Computer Science G480 ( MSC )
- Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) G401 (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science (with integrated year in industry) G419 (Integrated Masters MCOMP )
- Computer Science (with integrated year studying abroad) G406 (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science / Mathematics GG14 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Computer Science / Physical Geography FG84 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Computer Science / Physics FG34 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence GG4R (Single Honours BSC )
- Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence (with integrated year in industry) GG47 (Single Honours BSC )
- Conservation Ecology D447CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Contemporary Welsh Q560CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Corporate Social Responsibility N1841 ( MBA ) January Start
- Corporate Social Responsibility N1841 ( MBA )
- Creative Arts WW48 (Single Honours BA )
- Creative Writing Q394 ( MA )
- Creative Writing W800 ( PHD )
- Creative Writing W800 ( MPHL )
- Creative Writing W801 (Single Honours BA )
- Creative Writing Studies W800CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Creative Writing and Drama and Theatre W841 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creative Writing and Film and Television WP83 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creative Writing and Fine Art WW18 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creative Writing and French WR81 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creative Writing and History WV81 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creative Writing and Spanish WR84 (Joint Honours BA )
- Creu Cyfryngau P310 (Single Honours BA )
- Creu Perfformio W470 (Single Honours BA )
- Criminal Law M131 (Single Honours LLB )
- Criminology M900 (Single Honours BSC )
- Criminology M90F (Single Honours BSC )
- Criminology M9001 ( MPHL )
- Criminology M9001 ( PHD )
- Criminology and Criminal Justice M983 ( MSC )
- Criminology and Criminal Justice M984 ( MA )
- Criminology and Criminal Psychology M9C6 (Single Honours BSC )
- Criminology and Sociology ML93 (Single Honours BSC )
- Cultural Heritage Studies: Libraries, Archives and Museums V700 (Single Honours BA )
- Cymraeg Q560 (Single Honours BA )
- Cymraeg Q5562 ( PHDPW )
- Cymraeg Q5562 ( PHD )
- Cymraeg Q5562 ( MPHL )
- Cymraeg 3DHH ( PGCE )
- Cymraeg CY1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Cymraeg CY1221 ( DPROF )
- Cymraeg / Astudiaethau Ffilm a Theledu QWM6 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Creu (Perfformio / Cyfryngau) QW52 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol 5FQL (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Daearyddiaeth LQ75 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Education QX53 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Hanes QV51 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg / Mathematics GQ15 (Joint Honours BA )
- Cymraeg Proffesiynol Q5P0 (Single Honours BA )
- Cymraeg a'r Ieithoedd Celtaidd Q562 (Single Honours BA )
- Cynradd (3-11) 3DHL ( PGCE )
- Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol a'r Cyfryngau 3P2L (Joint Honours BA )
- Daearyddiaeth F801 (Single Honours BSC )
- Daearyddiaeth 3DH4 ( PGCE )
- Daearyddiaeth (gyda blwyddyn integredig yn astudio dramor) F805 (Single Honours BSC )
- Daearyddiaeth / Hanes Cymru LVT1 (Joint Honours BA )
- Data Science 7G73 (Single Honours BSC )
- Data Science G490 ( MSC )
- Data Science (with integrated year in industry) 7G74 (Single Honours BSC )
- Digital Curation P120D ( MSC )
- Digital Information and Media Management P124 ( MSC )
- Digital Information and Media Management P124D ( MSC ) April Start
- Digital Information and Media Management P124D ( MSC )
- Digital Information and Media Management P124D2 ( MSC ) April Start
- Digital Information and Media Management P124D2 ( MSC )
- Digital Marketing N590 (Single Honours BSC )
- Documentary Filmmaking: Landscape and Ecology P311 ( MA )
- Drama 3DGX ( PGCE )
- Drama and English WQ44 (Single Honours BA )
- Drama and Theatre W400 (Single Honours BA )
- Drama and Theatre W40F (Single Honours BA )
- Drama and Theatre (with integrated year in professional practice) W402 (Single Honours BA )
- Drama and Theatre / History WV41 (Joint Honours BA )
- Drama and Theatre / International Relations 42WL (Joint Honours BA )
- Early Childhood Studies with Early Years Practitioner Status X322 (Single Honours BA )
- Ecology C180 (Single Honours BSC )
- Ecology C18F (Single Honours BSC )
- Ecology (with integrated year in industry) C181 (Single Honours BSC )
- Economics L1410 ( PHD )
- Economics L1410 ( MPHL )
- Economics L100 (Single Honours BSC )
- Economics L10F (Single Honours BSC )
- Economics / Business and Management L1N1 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Economics and Climate Change FL71 (Single Honours BSC )
- Economics and International Relations 21LL (Joint Honours BSC )
- Economics and Politics LL13 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Economics with Human Geography L1L7 (Major/Minor BSC )
- Education X3010 ( PHDPW )
- Education X3010 ( MPHL )
- Education X3010 ( PHD )
- Education X302 (Single Honours BA )
- Education X1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Education X1221 ( DPROF )
- Education X30F (Single Honours BA )
- Education (Wales) X3PG ( MA )
- Education (Wales): Additional Learning Needs X3PG2 ( MA )
- Education (Wales): Curriculum X3PG4 ( MA )
- Education (Wales): Equity in Education X3PG5 ( MA )
- Education (Wales): Leadership X3PG3 ( MA )
- Education / Drama and Theatre WX43 (Joint Honours BA )
- Education / Fine Art WX13 (Joint Honours BA )
- Education / History VX13 (Joint Honours BA )
- Education with Spanish X3R4 (Major/Minor BA )
- Electrical and Electronic Engineering 163F (Single Honours BENG )
- Engineering Management N1838 ( MBA ) January Start
- Engineering Management N1838 ( MBA )
- Engineering Management N23F ( MSC ) January Start
- Engineering Management N23F ( MSC )
- Engineering Physics 179H (Single Honours BENG )
- Engineering Physics (with integrated year in industry) 168F (Integrated Masters MENG )
- Engineering Physics (with integrated year in industry) 179G (Single Honours BENG )
- English Q3550 ( PHDPW )
- English Q3550 ( PHD )
- English Q3550 ( MPHL )
- English 3DGZ ( PGCE )
- English Literature Q300 (Single Honours BA )
- English Literature / Drama and Theatre QW34 (Joint Honours BA )
- English Literature / Education QX33 (Joint Honours BA )
- English Literature and Creative Writing QW38 (Single Honours BA )
- English Literature and Creative Writing QW3F (Single Honours BA )
- English Studies and Climate Change FQ73 (Single Honours BA )
- English Studies and TESOL Q330 (Single Honours BA )
- English Studies and TESOL Q33F (Single Honours BA )
- English Studies and TESOL (with integrated year studying abroad) Q332 (Single Honours BA )
- English and Creative Writing E1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- English and Creative Writing E1221 ( DPROF )
- Environmental Earth Science F640 (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Earth Science F64F (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Earth Science (with integrated year in industry) F643 (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Earth Science (with integrated year studying abroad) F642 (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Science F750 (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Science F75F (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Science (with integrated year in industry) F753 (Single Honours BSC )
- Environmental Science (with integrated year studying abroad) F752 (Single Honours BSC )
- Equine Science D322 (Single Honours BSC )
- Equine Science D391 ( MSC )
- Equine Science D32F (Single Honours BSC )
- Equine Science D393 ( MRES )
- Equine Science D392D ( UCRT ) January Start
- Equine Science D392D ( UCRT ) May Start
- Equine Science D392D ( UCRT )
- Equine Studies D325 (Top Up BSC )
- Equine Studies D324 (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- Equine and Veterinary Bioscience D334 (Single Honours BSC )
- Equine and Veterinary Bioscience D33F (Single Honours BSC )
- Equine and Veterinary Bioscience (with integrated year in industry) D335 (Single Honours BSC )
- European Languages R9575 ( PHD )
- European Languages R9575 ( PHDPW )
- European Languages R9575 ( MPHL )
- European Law M120 (Single Honours LLB )
- Field Biology C100CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Field Ecology C180CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Field and Conservation Ecology C184CE (Single Honours DIPHE )
- Film and Television W620 (Single Honours BA )
- Film and Television W62F (Single Honours BA )
- Film and Television / Drama and Theatre WW64 (Joint Honours BA )
- Film and Television / English Literature QW36 (Joint Honours BA )
- Film and Television / Fine Art WW16 (Joint Honours BA )
- Film and Television / Mathematics GW16 (Joint Honours BA )
- Film and Television Studies / French RW16 (Joint Honours BA )
- Filmmaking P301 (Single Honours BA )
- Finance N300 ( MSC )
- Financial Mathematics G1N3 (Single Honours BSC )
- Financial Mathematics G1NF (Single Honours BSC )
- Fine Art W191 ( MA )
- Fine Art W1730 ( PHDFA )
- Fine Art W100 (Single Honours BA )
- Fine Art / Art History WV13 (Joint Honours BA )
- Fine Art / English Literature WQ13 (Joint Honours BA )
- Fine Art with Art History W1V3 (Major/Minor BA )
- French R120 (Single Honours BA )
- French / Drama and Theatre RW14 (Joint Honours BA )
- French / English Literature QR31 (Joint Honours BA )
- French / German RR12 (Joint Honours BA )
- French / International Politics LRF1 (Joint Honours BA )
- French / International Relations 1FRL (Joint Honours BA )
- French / Mathematics GR11 (Joint Honours BA )
- French / Spanish RR14 (Joint Honours BA )
- Genealogical Studies V323CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Genetics C400 (Single Honours BSC )
- Genetics C40F (Single Honours BSC )
- Genetics (with integrated year in industry) C401 (Single Honours BSC )
- Genetics and Biochemistry CC47 (Single Honours BSC )
- Genetics and Biochemistry CC4F (Single Honours BSC )
- Genetics and Biochemistry (with integrated year in industry) CC48 (Single Honours BSC )
- Geography F800 (Single Honours BSC )
- Geography F80F (Single Honours BSC )
- Geography (Arts) L7352 ( MPHL )
- Geography (Arts) L7352 ( PHDPW )
- Geography (Arts) L7352 ( PHD )
- Geography (with integrated year in industry) F803 (Single Honours BSC )
- Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) F802 (Single Honours BSC )
- Geography and Earth Sciences F1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Geography and Earth Sciences F1221 ( DPROF )
- Geography and Earth Sciences (Science) F9352 ( PHD )
- Geography and Earth Sciences (Science) F9352 ( MPHL )
- Geography and Earth Sciences / Biological Sciences F9352S ( MPHL )
- German / History RV21 (Joint Honours BA )
- German / International Politics RL22 (Joint Honours BA )
- German / International Relations 22LR (Joint Honours BA )
- German / Spanish RR24 (Joint Honours BA )
- Global Supply Chain Management N1837 ( MBA ) January Start
- Global Supply Chain Management N1837 ( MBA )
- Hanes V101 (Single Honours BA )
- Hanes / Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol 2DLV (Joint Honours BA )
- Hanes / Hanes Cymru VV21 (Joint Honours BA )
- Healthcare Education B740CE ( CHE )
- History V100 (Single Honours BA )
- History V1690 ( PHD )
- History V1690 ( MPHL )
- History 3DH5 ( PGCE )
- History V10F (Single Honours BA )
- History H1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- History H1221 ( DPROF )
- History (with integrated year studying abroad) V102 (Single Honours BA )
- History / English Literature QV31 (Joint Honours BA )
- History / Mathematics GV11 (Joint Honours BA )
- History and Heritage V192W ( MA )
- History and Welsh History VVC2 (Single Honours BA )
- History of Wales V194 ( MA )
- Human Biology and Health C194 (Single Honours BSC )
- Human Biology and Health C19F (Single Honours BSC )
- Human Geography L700 (Single Honours BA )
- Human Geography L70F (Single Honours BA )
- Human Geography (with integrated year in industry) L703 (Single Honours BA )
- Human Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) L704 (Single Honours BA )
- Human Rights M990 (Single Honours LLB )
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law M198D ( LLM ) February Start
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law M198D ( LLM )
- Human Rights and Humanitarian Law M198 ( LLM )
- Industrial Biotechnology J740D ( MSC )
- Industrial Biotechnology J741D ( MRES )
- Information and Library Studies P110D (Single Honours BSCEC )
- Information and Library Studies P194 ( MA )
- Information and Library Studies P194D ( MA ) April Start
- Information and Library Studies P194D ( MA )
- Information and Library Studies P110D (Single Honours BSC ) April Start
- Information and Library Studies P110D (Single Honours BSC )
- Information and Library Studies P194D2 ( MA ) April Start
- Information and Library Studies P194D2 ( MA )
- International Business Management N190 ( MSC )
- International Business and Marketing N128 ( MSC )
- International Commercial Law M190 ( LLM )
- International Commercial Law M190D ( LLM )
- International Finance N308 ( MSC )
- International Finance and Banking N126 ( MSC )
- International Marketing N1840 ( MBA ) January Start
- International Marketing N1840 ( MBA )
- International Politics L2442 ( PHDPW )
- International Politics L2442 ( MPHL )
- International Politics L2442 ( PHD )
- International Politics L2442 ( PHD )
- International Politics L241 (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics L1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- International Politics L1221 ( DPROF )
- International Politics L24F (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics (Dual Degree) L286A ( MA )
- International Politics (Specialist) L286S ( MA )
- International Politics (with integrated year studying abroad) L242 (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics / History LVF1 (Joint Honours BA )
- International Politics / Spanish LRF4 (Joint Honours BA )
- International Politics and Global Development LL31 (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics and Intelligence Studies L250 (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics and Military History LV2F (Single Honours BA )
- International Politics with Economics L2L1 (Major/Minor BA )
- International Relations 142L (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations F42L (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations (Research Training) L287R ( MA )
- International Relations (Specialist) L287S ( MA )
- International Relations (with integrated year in Industry) 642L (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations (with integrated year studying abroad) 242L (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations / History 1FVL (Joint Honours BA )
- International Relations / Spanish 4FRL (Joint Honours BA )
- International Relations and Climate Change 27LF (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations and Climate Change (with integrated year in industry) 37LF (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations and Global Development 13LL (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations and Military History H2VL (Single Honours BA )
- International Relations and Military History F2VL (Single Honours BA )
- Italian and French RR31 (Joint Honours BA )
- Italian and German RR32 (Joint Honours BA )
- Italian and Spanish RR43 (Joint Honours BA )
- Law M103 (Single Honours BA )
- Law M100 (Single Honours LLB )
- Law M1450 ( PHDPW )
- Law M1450 ( PHD )
- Law M1450 ( PHD )
- Law M1450 ( MPHL )
- Law M172 ( LLM )
- Law M172D ( LLM )
- Law M10F (Single Honours LLB )
- Law and Accounting & Finance MN14 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and Business & Management MN11 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and Criminology M1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Law and Criminology M1221 ( DPROF )
- Law and Criminology MM91 (Single Honours LLB )
- Law and Cymraeg Proffesiynol MQ56 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and French RM11 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and German RM21 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and International Relations 21LM (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law and Spanish RM41 (Joint Honours LLB )
- Law with Spanish M1R4 (Major/Minor LLB )
- Librarianship P1540 ( PHDPW )
- Librarianship P1540 ( PHD )
- Librarianship P1540 ( MPHL )
- Librarianship P1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Librarianship P1221 ( DPROF )
- Life Sciences C990 (Single Honours BSC )
- Literary Studies Q392 ( MA )
- Livestock Science D320 ( MSC )
- Livestock Science D321D ( UCRT ) January Start
- Livestock Science D321D ( UCRT ) May Start
- Livestock Science D321D ( UCRT )
- Management and Business N1832 ( PHD )
- Management and Business N1832 ( PHD )
- Management and Business N1832 ( MPHL )
- Management and Business N1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Management and Business N1221 ( DPROF )
- Management and Entrepreneurship N124 ( MSC )
- Management and Finance N208 ( MSC )
- Management of Library and Information Services P195D ( MSC )
- Marine and Freshwater Biology C164 (Single Honours BSC )
- Marine and Freshwater Biology C169 (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Marine and Freshwater Biology C16F (Single Honours BSC )
- Marine and Freshwater Biology C06F (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Marine and Freshwater Biology (with integrated year in industry) C166 (Single Honours BSC )
- Marketing N500 (Single Honours BSC )
- Marketing N50F (Single Honours BSC )
- Marketing / Business and Management N5N1 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Marketing / Spanish NR55 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematical Modelling 13GG (Single Honours BSC )
- Mathematical and Theoretical Physics F340 (Single Honours BSC )
- Mathematical and Theoretical Physics F341 (Integrated Masters MMATH )
- Mathematics G100 (Single Honours BSC )
- Mathematics G103 (Integrated Masters MMATH )
- Mathematics G1310 ( PHD )
- Mathematics G1310 ( MPHL )
- Mathematics G10F (Single Honours BSC )
- Mathematics 3DH7 ( PGCE )
- Mathematics MA1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Mathematics MA1221 ( DPROF )
- Mathematics (with integrated year in industry) G10N (Single Honours BSC )
- Mathematics / Accounting and Finance GN94 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematics / Business and Management GN11 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematics / Drama and Theatre GW14 (Joint Honours BA )
- Mathematics / Economics GL91 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematics / Education GX13 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematics / Physics FG31 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Mathematics with Education G1X3 (Major/Minor BSC )
- Media and Communication Studies P300 (Single Honours BA )
- Media and Creative Writing P3W8 (Joint Honours BA )
- Media and Education P3X3 (Joint Honours BA )
- Media and English Literature P3Q3 (Joint Honours BA )
- Media and History P3V1 (Joint Honours BA )
- Media and Theatre Studies P3W4 (Joint Honours BA )
- Medieval Britain & Europe V192X ( MA )
- Medieval and Early Modern History V190 (Single Honours BA )
- Microbiology C500 (Single Honours BSC )
- Microbiology C501 (Single Honours BSC )
- Microbiology C509 (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Microbiology C59F (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Microbiology (with integrated year in industry) C502 (Single Honours BSC )
- Modern History V140 ( MA )
- Modern Languages R900CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Modern Languages R990 (Single Honours BA )
- Modern Languages ML1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Modern Languages ML1221 ( DPROF )
- Modern Languages (Spanish) 3DHF ( PGCE )
- Modern and Contemporary History V191 (Single Honours BA )
- Natural History Studies C181CE (Single Honours CHE )
- Nuffield Scholarship D406D ( UCRT ) January Start
- Nuffield Scholarship D406D ( UCRT ) May Start
- Nuffield Scholarship D406D ( UCRT )
- Nursing (Adult) B740 (Single Honours BSC )
- Nursing (Adult) B74P (Single Honours BSC )
- Nursing (Mental Health) B760 (Single Honours BSC )
- Nursing (Mental Health) B76P (Single Honours BSC )
- Parasite Control C111 ( MRES )
- Photography / Art History WV63 (Joint Honours BA )
- Photography / Creative Writing WW68 (Joint Honours BA )
- Photography / Film and Television WW66 (Joint Honours BA )
- Physical Geography F840 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physical Geography F84F (Single Honours BSC )
- Physical Geography (with integrated year in industry) F846 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physical Geography (with integrated year studying abroad) F845 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physical Geography / Mathematics FG81 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Physical Geography with Education F8X3 (Major/Minor BSC )
- Physics F301 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physics F300 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physics F303 (Integrated Masters MPHYS )
- Physics F3330 ( PHD )
- Physics F3330 ( MPHL )
- Physics PH1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Physics PH1221 ( DPROF )
- Physics (with integrated year in industry) F304 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physics (with integrated year in industry) F305 (Integrated Masters MPHYS )
- Physics with Balanced Science 3DGV ( PGCE )
- Physics with Planetary and Space Physics F364 (Single Honours BSC )
- Physics with Planetary and Space Physics F366 (Integrated Masters MPHYS )
- Plant Biology C200 (Single Honours BSC )
- Plant Biology C201 (Single Honours BSC )
- Plant Biology (with integrated year in industry) C202 (Single Honours BSC )
- Politics L203 (Single Honours BA )
- Politics and International Relations L248 (Single Honours BA )
- Politics and Modern History V135 (Single Honours BA )
- Primary (3-11) 3DHM ( PGCE )
- Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship N20F ( MSC ) January Start
- Product Innovation and Entrepreneurship N20F ( MSC )
- Project Management N1839 ( MBA ) January Start
- Project Management N1839 ( MBA )
- Psychology C800 ( PHD )
- Psychology C800 ( MPHL )
- Psychology C800 (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology CP1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Psychology CP1221 ( DPROF )
- Psychology C80F (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology (with integrated year in industry) WF7F (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology (with integrated year studying abroad) N1FW (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Business and Management NC18 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Criminology CM89 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Criminology (with integrated year in industry) A1C6 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Education CX80 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Marketing NC58 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Psychology and Sociology LC38 (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology with Counselling C843 (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology with Counselling (with integrated year in industry) C844 (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology with Forensic Psychology C802 (Single Honours BSC )
- Psychology with Forensic Psychology (with integrated year in industry) C803 (Single Honours BSC )
- Pure Mathematics / Statistics GGC3 (Single Honours BSC )
- Radio Spectrum Engineering F935 ( MSC )
- Remote Sensing and GIS F994 ( MSC )
- Return to Practice (Adult Field) Y146 (Single Honours NQUG ) February Start
- Rheoli gydag Entrepreneuriaeth N195 ( MSC )
- Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering 132A (Single Honours BENG )
- Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering 132C (Integrated Masters MENG )
- Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (with integrated year in industry) 132B (Single Honours BENG )
- Robotics and Embedded Systems Engineering (with integrated year in industry) 132D (Integrated Masters MENG )
- Scenography and Theatre Design W460 (Single Honours BA )
- Senior Status Law M104 (Single Honours LLB )
- Society and Space 198L ( MA )
- Society, Space and Place 197L ( MA )
- Sociology L300 (Single Honours BA )
- Sociology L30F (Single Honours BA )
- Sociology (with integrated year in Industry) L303 (Single Honours BA )
- Sociology (with integrated year studying abroad) L302 (Single Honours BA )
- Sociology and Politics LL32 (Single Honours BSC )
- Software Engineering (with integrated year in industry) G601 (Integrated Masters MENG )
- Software Engineering (with integrated year in industry) G600 (Single Honours BENG )
- Space Engineering FH57 ( MSC )
- Space Science and Robotics FH56 (Single Honours BSC )
- Space Science and Robotics FH5P (Integrated Masters MPHYS )
- Spanish / Drama and Theatre RW44 (Joint Honours BA )
- Spanish and Adventure Tourism Management RN44 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Spanish and Latin American Studies R401 (Single Honours BA )
- Sport and Exercise Science C600 (Single Honours BSC )
- Sport and Exercise Science C650 ( PHD )
- Sport and Exercise Science C650 ( MPHL )
- Sport and Exercise Science C60F (Single Honours BSC )
- Sport and Exercise Science (with integrated year in industry) C602 (Single Honours BSC )
- Statistics for Computational Biology G499 ( MSC )
- Strategy, Intelligence and Security L252 (Single Honours BA )
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D ( MSC ) January Start
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D ( MSC ) May Start
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D ( MSC )
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D3 ( MSC ) January Start
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D3 ( MSC ) May Start
- Sustainable Agriculture D413D3 ( MSC )
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D ( MSC ) February Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D ( MSC ) January Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D ( MSC ) June Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D ( MSC ) May Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D ( MSC )
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D3 ( MSC ) February Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D3 ( MSC ) May Start
- Sustainable and Efficient Food Production D409D3 ( MSC )
- Theatre Practice: Performance and Scenography W461 ( MA )
- Theatre and Performance Design 064W (Single Honours BA )
- Theatre and Performance Design / Drama and Theatre 234W (Joint Honours BA )
- Theatre and Performance Design / Film and Television Studies 34PW (Joint Honours BA )
- Theatre, Film and Television Studies W4740 ( PHDPW )
- Theatre, Film and Television Studies W4740 ( MPHL )
- Theatre, Film and Television Studies W4740 ( PHD )
- Theatre, Film and Television Studies W1221 ( DPROF ) January Start
- Theatre, Film and Television Studies W1221 ( DPROF )
- Tourism Management N800 (Single Honours BSC )
- Tourism Management N80F (Single Honours BSC )
- Tourism Management / German NR82 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Tourism Management / Marketing N8N5 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Tourism Management / Spanish NR84 (Joint Honours BSC )
- Veterinary Biosciences D906 (Single Honours BSC )
- Veterinary Biosciences D90F (Single Honours BSC )
- Veterinary Biosciences (with integrated year in industry) D907 (Single Honours BSC )
- Veterinary Nursing D31F (Foundation Degree FDSC )
- War, Strategy and Intelligence (Research Training) L252R ( MA )
- War, Strategy and Intelligence (Specialist) L252S ( MA )
- Web Development H602 (Single Honours BSC )
- Web Development H60F (Single Honours BSC )
- Web Development (with integrated year in industry) H603 (Single Honours BSC )
- Welsh (for Beginners) Q522 (Single Honours BA )
- Welsh and Celtic studies Q506 ( MA )
- Wildlife Conservation C183 (Single Honours BSC )
- Wildlife Conservation C08F (Single Honours BSC )
- Wildlife Conservation (with integrated year in industry) C184 (Single Honours BSC )
- Wireless Communications and Radio Frequency Systems Engineering F936 ( MSC )
- Writing for Broadcasting, Media and Performance P302 (Single Honours BA )
- Youth Justice M985 ( MSC )
- Ysgrifennu Creadigol a'r Diwydiant Cyhoeddi W840 (Single Honours BA )
- Zoology C300 (Single Honours BSC )
- Zoology C309 (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Zoology C301 (Single Honours BSC )
- Zoology C39F (Integrated Masters MBIOL )
- Zoology (with integrated year in industry) C302 (Single Honours BSC )