English Literature / Drama and Theatre
Academic Year: 2025/2026Joint Honours scheme - available from 2000/2001 (Last intake year is 2023/2024)
Duration (studying Full-Time): 3 years
Part 1 Rules
Year 1
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Year 1
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Year 1
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
TP11420Site-Specific Performance Project
Year 1
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
EN11220American Literature 1819-1925
IC17700Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
WL10120Re-imagining Nineteenth-Century Literature
WL10820We Have Always Been Here: Queer Writing from Antiquity to the Present
Semester 2
EN19920Interdisciplinary Approaches to Climate Change
IC13420Language Awareness for TESOL
IC17720Academic Writing: Planning, Process and Product
WL11920Peering into Possibility: Speculative Fiction and the Now
Year 1
Students may, subject to the demands of their other scheme, choose one of the following modules:
Part 2 Rules
Year 2
Core (20 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
EN20120Literary Theory: Debates and Dialogues
Year 2
Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students must take at least 40 credits and, subject to the demands of their other scheme, may take up to 80 credits of TP modules in their 2nd year:
Semester 1
TP20820Theatre and Contemporary Society
TP21220Acting: Process and Performance
Year 2
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
IC23420TESOL Approaches, Methods and Teaching Techniques
IC27720Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1
WL20720A Century in Crisis: 1790s to 1890s
Semester 2
EN21120Contemporary Writing and Climate Crisis
EN21220Literature and Climate in the Nineteenth Century
IC27720Effective Academic and Professional Communication 1
Year 2
Choose 20 credits
Semester 1
EN28720Writing Women for the Public Stage, 1670-1780
WL23120'The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne': Medieval Models of Literary Production
Final Year
Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students must take at least 20 credits from the following modules:
Semester 2
TP33420Performance and Architecture
Final Year
Joint Honours Drama and Theatre students may take up to 40 credits from the following modules:
Semester 1
TP35520Ensemble Performance Project
TP36000Independent Research Project
Semester 2
TP36040Independent Research Project
Final Year
Choose 60 credits
Semester 1
EN30120Reading Theory / Reading Text
EN33620Ali Smith and 21st Century fiction(s)
IC37820Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2
WL30100Independent Research Project
Semester 2
EN30420Writing in the Margins: Twentieth-Century Welsh Poetry in English
EN31320The Mark of the Beast: Animals in Literature from the 1780s to the 1920s
IC33420TESOL Materials Development and Application of Technologies
IC37820Effective Academic and Professional Communication 2
WL30140Independent Research Project
WL30620Remix: Chaucer In The Then and Now
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary