Business and Management
Academic Year: 2025/2026Single Honours scheme - available from 2019/2020
Duration (studying Full-Time): 4 years
Part 1 Rules
Year 1
Core (120 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
AB05120Foundations of Management and Marketing
CS01120Information Technology for University Students
IC07620Academic Skills Foundation 1
Semester 2
AB01320Economics, Finance and Accounting for Business
IC07720Academic Skills Foundation 2
Year 2
Core (80 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
AB11120Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance
orCB11120Hanfodion Cyfrifeg a Chyllid
AB15120Fundamentals of Management and Business
orCB15120Hanfodion Rheolaeth a Busnes
Year 2
Core (20 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 2
AB17120Marketing Principles and Contemporary Practice
orCB17120Egwyddorion Marchnata ac Ymarfer Cyfoes
Year 2
Any approved 20 credits from ABS or IEC modules.
Part 2 Rules
Year 3
Core (60 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
AB21300Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
Semester 2
AB21320Corporate Governance, Risk and Ethics
Year 3
Any approved ABS / IEC option. If you want to write a dissertation in your final year, module AB25320 Research Methods must be taken.
Year 3
Students must take either CB/AB25120 and CB/AB25220 or CB/AB25540.
Semester 2
AB25120Operations and Supply Chain Management
AB25220Entrepreneurship and New Venture Creation
CB25120Gweithrediadau a Rheoli'r Gadwyn Cyflenwi
CB25220Entreprenwriaeth a Chreu Menter Newydd
CB25540Dadansoddi Busnes Strategol a Gwydnwch Gweithrediadau
Final Year
Core (60 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Final Year
(60 credits) Any approved ABS / IEC modules
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary