Agriculture with Animal Science
Academic Year: 2025/2026Integrated Masters scheme - available from 2025/2026 (Last intake year is 2024/2025)
Duration (studying Full-Time): 5 years
Part 1 Rules
Year 1
Core (120 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
BR01200Practical Skills for Biologists
Semester 2
BR01220Practical Skills for Biologists
BR01440Organisms and the Environment
Year 2
Core (120 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
BR10400Business, Economics and Land Use
BR17000Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
orBG17000Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw
BR18000Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
orBG18000Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
BR18400Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
orBG18400Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
BR18800Skills for the Agricultural Industry
orBG18800Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
Semester 2
BR10420Business, Economics and Land Use
BR17020Introduction to Livestock Production and Science
orBG17020Cyflwyniad i Systemau Cynhyrchu a Gwyddor Da Byw
BR18040Crop, grassland, soil and agricultural land management
orBG18040Rheolaeth Cnydau, Glaswelltir, Priddoedd a Thir Amaethyddol
BR18420Agricultural Technology and Farm Safety
orBG18420Technoleg Amaethyddol a Diogelwch Fferm
BR18820Skills for the Agricultural Industry
orBG18820Sgiliau ar gyfer y Diwydiant Amaethyddol
Part 2 Rules
Year 3
Core (80 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
BR20720Applied Nutrition of Livestock, Horses and Companion Animals
orBG20720Maeth Anifeiliaid Fferm, Ceffylau ac Anifeiliaid Anwes
BR28000Livestock Production and Management
Semester 2
BR25220Animal Breeding: Genetics and Reproduction
BR28020Livestock Production and Management
Year 3
Choose 40 credits
Semester 1
BG27600Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
BR21000Farm Business Management and Appraisal
BR27600Agronomy and Crop Improvement
Semester 2
BG27620Agronomeg a Gwelliant Cnydau
BG29020Bwyd, Ffermio, Technoleg a'r Amgylchedd
BR21020Farm Business Management and Appraisal
BR27620Agronomy and Crop Improvement
BR29020Food, Farming, Technology and the Environment
Year 4
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
BR30800Livestock Production Science
BR39920Advances in Agriculture
orBG39920Datblygiadau mewn Amaethyddiaeth
Semester 2
BR30820Livestock Production Science
Year 4
Timetable Core/Student Option
Choose ONE of the following compulsory modules
Year 4
Choose either 40, or 60 credits
Semester 1
BR31600Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management
BR34120Veterinary Infectious Diseases
BR37200Advances in Crop and Grassland Production
Semester 2
BR31620Farm Planning and Advanced Farm Management
BR35120Behaviour and Welfare of Domesticated Animals
BR36820Veterinary Pharmacology and Disease Control
BR37220Advances in Crop and Grassland Production
Final Year
Core (60 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Final Year
Choose 60 credits
Semester 1
BRM5820Animal Breeding and Genetics
Semester 2
BRM5420Livestock Production Science
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary