Economics and International Relations
Academic Year: 2025/2026Joint Honours scheme - available from 2021/2022
Duration (studying Full-Time): 3 years
Part 1 Rules
Year 1
Core (60 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Year 1
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
IP12420Exploring the International 1: Central Concepts and Core Skills
orGW12420Cyflwyniad i Wleidyddiaeth Ryngwladol 1: Cysyniadau Canolog a Sgiliau Craidd
Year 1
All students must take 20 credits (1 module) of optional modules in International Politics.
Semester 1
IP12820The Making of the Modern World: War Peace and Revolution since 1789
Semester 2
GW12520Globaleiddio a Datblygiad Byd-eang
GW12920Gwleidyddiaeth yn yr Unfed Ganrif ar Hugain
IP10320War, Strategy and Intelligence
IP12520Globalization and Global Development
IP12920Politics in the 21st Century
Part 2 Rules
Year 2
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
AB23120Microeconomics Theory and Policy Applications
Semester 2
AB23220Macroeconomics: Theory and Policy Applications
Year 2
Core (20 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 2
IP20120International Relations: Perspectives and Debates
orGW20120Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol: Safbwyntiau a Thrafodaethau
Year 2
(20 credits) Choose one of the following modules.
Year 2
Students must take 40 credits (2 modules) of International Politics optional modules from the list of those made available at pre-registration.
Semester 1
GQ23820Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?
GQ23920Pobl a Grym: Deall Gwleidyddiaeth Gymharol Heddiw
GW29920Cenedlaetholdeb mewn Theori a Realiti
IP20420The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons
IP23320NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War
IP28820Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800
IP29220International Politics and Global Development
IP29920Nationalism in Theory and Practice
IQ23820UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?
IQ23920People and Power: Understanding Comparative Politics Today
IQ24420Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics
IQ25120Strategy, Intelligence and Security in International Politics
Semester 2
GW25820Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell
IP22320The Governance of Climate Change: Simulation Module
IP25320Warfare after Waterloo: Military History 1815-1918
IP26020The Past and Present of US Intelligence
IP29620Women and Global Development
IQ21720Justice, Order, Human Rights
IQ22820Capitalism and International Politics
IQ22920Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
IQ24320Economic Diplomacy and Leadership
Final Year
Core (40 Credits)
Compulsory module(s).
Semester 1
AB33120Contemporary Issues in Economics and Policy
Semester 2
AB33420Growth, Development and Sustainability
Final Year
Choose 20 credits
Final Year
Final year students must take 60 credits in the Department of International Politics.
Semester 1
GQ33820Gwleidyddiaeth y Deyrnas Unedig Heddiw: Undeb Dan Straen?
GW30000Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
GW39920Cenedlaetholdeb Mewn Theori a Realiti
IP30420The Strategy and Politics of Nuclear Weapons
IP33320NATO: From Cold War to Hybrid War
IP38820Britain and Ireland in War and Peace since 1800
IP39920Nationalism in Theory and Practice
IQ33820UK Politics Today: A Union Under Strain?
IQ34420Knowing about Violent Conflict in International Politics
Semester 2
GW30040Dulliau Ymchwil + Traethawd Estynedig
GW35820Cyfiawnder Byd-Eang: Dehongli a Gwireddu ein Dyletswyddau i'r Dieithryn Pell
IP36020The Past and Present of US Intelligence
IP36820Questions of International Politics
IP39620Women and Global Development
IQ31720Justice, Order, Human Rights
IQ32820Capitalism and International Politics
IQ32920Fear, Cooperation and Trust in World Politics
IQ34320Economic Diplomacy and Leadership
Aberystwyth University Standard Awards
- Entrance Scholarship / Merit Award
- Sports Bursary
- Music Bursary
- International Excellence Scholarship
- Residential Bursary
- Aberystwyth Bursary
- Care Leaver Bursary