Upcoming events

To see our previous TrACE events, click here

Community Conversation Series, October 2024

Following on from our successful May 2024 Community Conversation series, we are excited to be joined by recent Aberystwyth alumna and Director of ACE Hub Wales, Dr Jo Hopkins, and her team. They will deliver a further engaging and thought-provoking Community Conversation on the trauma-informed approach and what it means at Aberystwyth University. 

By attending this event, you will have an opportunity to reflect together on what a trauma-informed approach might be and how we all can contribute to creating a culture which is more aware of and responsive to the experience of trauma, with an understanding of its widespread far-reaching nature. This will be an interactive and experiential event with plenty of opportunity for talking, listening and learning together.

There will be two event, one aimed at both academic and professional services staff on Thursday 10th October and one for students on Friday 12th October, especially, but not exclusively, those with an interest in the TrACE Ambassador role. Please register for a place here.

Knowledge and Information Sharing Day, April 2025

We have already begun planning  our next collaboration with Traumatic Stress Wales to host a second Knowledge and Information Sharing Day on 30th April, 2025. Keep an eye out for promotion of this event next spring.