REF:66-2205-9723303 - Booking system for study rooms

Your comment: It would be great if we could change the booking system for group study rooms in the library. During busy periods like dissertation week, you just have to keep trying random times and hours for the booking in different combinations until you strike gold and find a room that's available. If we could see a calendar view that would save a lot of time and mean if they are all booked, we wouldn't have to keep trying for ages to get a room. I would also like to be able to pick rooms if possible, since the ones in Iris de Freitas are really nice.

Our response:

Many thanks for your Tell Us Now comment. Apologies for any trouble you have had booking a study room.
Users are able to check group study room availability using the instructions here: We will add a link to these instructions from the booking page. To ensure the best of use of the rooms they are allocated based on the size of the group making the booking. Some rooms only accommodate 6 users while others can accommodate 12. We would only allocate a 12 seater room for a booking of four if all the smaller rooms were already booked.