Brynamlwg - Staff Sports and Social Club

Welcome to Aberystwyth University's Staff and Social Club - Brynamlwg

The future of Brynamlwg and the Staff Club

Brynamlwg has been closed since the end of July and there has been no pronouncement on it's reopening. We believe it is important to do all we can to ensure its resurrection.

When it was originally rebuilt from derelict farm buildings on the campus, its purpose was to provide a convivial and informal meeting place for all university staff and a centre for Staff Club activities. It was funded by donations to the university centenary fund and ratified by College Council which represented a permanent act of generosity and appreciation by supporters of the university towards university staff. Since the current administration is composed mainly of recent appointments, they do not appear to have an awareness of this historical association and it is imperative that we aquaint them with this.

From the outset Brynamlwg was self funded and run by the University Staff Club (AUSSSC) until 4 years ago, when the university administration decided that it's management did not comply with their regulations and offered the then steward a redundancy package. This led to the temporary closure and subsequent takeover by SU catering and then Hospitality Services, both of whom eventually decided that they were unable to continue with it's management and which led to further closures in 2016 and again in July of this year.

The staff club has argued for some time that the facility should be run commercially by a private tenant who could accommodate the needs of staff and cooperate with the staff club in the interest of its members. This option has now been taken up by the university administration and agents were appointed to value the commercial lease. We have further argued that since Brynamlwg was built with centenary funds, specifically intended for the benefit of staff, it should not be treated as a simple asset of the university to be exploited for profit or allowed to deteriorate through disuse and lack of maintenance. It is not expected that the university should subsidise it's running but it should prioritise the interests of the staff members in ensuring the appointment of a sympathetic tenant and seek a prompt reopening of the facilities. The latest indication is that pending a report on the structural integrity of the building a decision will be taken to let. However. we have no further information on the terms of the lease, it's likely uptake or any indication of a date for reopening. This, despite our lobbying of university administration and the fact that a new term has started and Brynamlwg is still closed.

We strongly believe that Brynamlwg should be retained as a valuable part of the fabric of campus facilities and it's importance to the social life of the university and local community be recognised. We are lobbying the university administration to ensure it's resinstatement as a focal point for our Staff Club activities. If you agree with us, we would urge you to make your support known to the administration, the university council and the VC in particular.

As a committee we are determined to persist and it is hoped that Brynamlwg will reopen before Christmas. However, in the short term we are unable to continue our Staff Club activities and have consequently decided to reduce the membership fees for the current year (i.e. for November 1st 2018 to October 31st 2019 ) to £10 for full members and £5 for retired and associate members.

AUSSSC – Staff Club Committee

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