Conference Fund

This fund is aimed at providing a contribution towards the expenses of members of staff attending Research Conferences, especially those that will enhance an individual’s research profile.

  • Only one successful application per academic financial year
  • Awards are made selectively with priority given to those with a strong research record and to those who are presenting papers.
  • Attendance at conferences related to undergraduate teaching will not be supported by this fund.
  • Although it is hoped that some support will be given to the majority of applicants, funds are limited. Depending on the value of applications, we expect to be able to fund between 10 and 30 awards each year.

  • Download the form: Application form
  • This form should be filled, signed and submitted electronically to your Head of Department for comment, in confidence, on the standing of the conference and applicant.
  • HoDs should forward the signed application to RBI.
  • All applications must provide estimates of travel, subsistence and registration costs.
  • Applications can be submitted monthly by the 1st of each month. Please allow a turnaround of 6 weeks for a decision.
  • If several members from the same department wish to attend a conference, RBI should be consulted at an earlier date.

Support from the Conference Fund is restricted to academic staff who are members of academic departments, whose posts are not funded by external contracts and who are REF eligible through AU.

Selection Criteria

Priority will be given to members of staff who:

  • have had a paper/poster accepted; OR
  • have recently had an extended period of absence from research for parental/ health/ caring reasons (4 months or more).

Whenever feasible, and especially in the case of expensive international conferences, applicants should simultaneously apply to other external sources.

Maximum values of award

(for meeting/conference where active participation is involved)

- United Kingdom - £1,000 
- International - £2,500

The following are eligible costs:

1. Travel 

  • Please see the guidelines provided by Travel and Fleet for booking and procuring modes of transport.

2. Subsistence Expenses 

  • A contribution towards subsistence expenses. AU T&S rates apply.

3. Conference Fees 

  • Reasonable conference fees are eligible.

  • We aim to respond within 6 weeks of application
  • Funding is tied to the financial year, awards cannot cross from one year to another. Expenditure must be completed and transacted by 31st July in the relevant year of award.  
  • If you are unable to attend for any reason please advise us that you are withdrawing your application so that funds can be reallocated.

The Gooding Fund is a bequest fund to support members of staff in the Science Disciplines, attend academic conferences. Staff should make every effort to secure external funding and should see the fund as a means of making up any shortfall.

To apply for support please complete the application form and submit it to