COVID-19 Guidance and links for Researchers and Award holders / Project PIs
Currently research funders are continuing to run their grant schemes and their grant application systems are operating as normal. However please check individual funder websites for scheme specific details in case they amend deadlines (as in the case of Horizon2020, see below). Funder links are included below.
Contact your RDO/EDO as usual for any funding related support, direct to the RDO/EDO staff member via email or Although we are working remotely, we are able to offer the usual grant application support and all grant submission processes can be completed via email and online.
We do stress however that in the current situation it is more important than ever to follow our grant submission guidance and have all grant application paperwork ready 5 working days before the deadline. The Research Grant Application Toolkit contains links to the grant application process, the paperwork required (FEC costing, RG1 and Ethics) and general support guidance -
If you are experiencing an impact on the delivery of your project as a result of COVID19 please contact your funding body or lead partner to notify them. Some of our main funding bodies have published guidance (see links below) please follow this where appropriate. COVID19 is a worldwide issue and funders have indicated that they will give consideration to consequences beyond the beneficiary’s control. As PI, please contact your funder asap, as soon as a situation arises with your project. Funders will be examining applications on a case-by-case basis and it is the responsibility of the PI/award holder to notify funders under force majeure. In your funder communications please state project reference/project title and cc Research Grants (
See the following main funders websites for their updates on COVID-19 see:
The Leverhulme Trust:
British Academy:
Royal Society:
Wellcome Trust:
The European Commission has announced that deadlines for many open and forthcoming calls will be extended.
UK Research Office guidance on Horizon2020 – Full details on latest guidance for all H2020 schemes
NB this link is open to all AU staff if you have registered on the UKRO website using your e-mail -
Horizon2020 COVID-19 FAQ -;type=1;categories=;programme=null;actions=;keyword=covid
Welsh European Funding Office (WEFO)
Guidance for ESF and ERDF:
INTERREG Ireland-Wales:
All members of the team are able to work remotely. We will endeavour to provide the same level of service but by different means. The main channel of communication would be by e-mail but we are happy to set-up virtual meetings. PURE is web-based and apart from scheduled maintenance for an upgrade, is still available along with support.
On 24/03/20, the UK Director of the REF announced the postponement of the submission deadline for REF2021:
Four points to note from the statement:
1) The submission date has been postponed until further notice. We will have 8 months’ notice of the new deadline. This is the only deadline that has changed.
2) The census date for employed research active staff remains the same (31/07/20).
3) It did not mention the postponement of the deadlines for research impact (31/07/20) nor publication of outputs (31/12/20).
4) Research England will undertake a light-touch survey to assess the problem.
At present, the windows for publications, impact and environment remain unchanged. Research England will update institutions as soon as any decisions about a revised timetable have been taken and have discussed widely with the sector.
We will therefore have to work to the original timescale, as we cannot assume any changes. The Research Monitoring round in May 2020 will take pace as planned though possibly via MS Teams.
Authors of REF impact case studies and environment statements should use this period of homeworking to update them. Where activities were planned for impact case studies (ICS) but are no longer likely to occur, researchers should contact their Impact Officer to discuss this and the rescheduling of activities.
Staff who have outputs accepted for publication that have not yet been published, should not be concerned at the moment over delays in publication. Please contact the REF & Research Monitoring Team ( to flag up possible delays.
REF2021 FAQs
The UK Parliament’s database of research expertise