Automatically Discovering Major Usability Issues in e-Commerce Sites via Machine Learning

Dr Richard Jensen
Professor Qiang Shen
Dr Neil Mac Parthaláin
The Overview
Research undertaken by the Advanced Reasoning Group (ARG) at Aberystwyth University (AU) has led to the development of robust techniques for data mining that can handle uncertainty, incompleteness, and imprecision in data. This provided a foundation for work with UserReplay, a leading software company specialising in e-Commerce, who were looking to automate the discovery of usability issues in e-Commerce systems as part of their analytics solutions. UserReplay and their clients have benefitted commercially from this research due to reduced losses, increased automation, and competitiveness. Competitors subsequently had to make similar improvements leading to further economic impact. Ultimately, customers using these sites benefitted from an improved experience.
The Research
New data mining algorithms have been developed to effectively and efficiently discover usability issues in e-Commerce sites employing UserReplay’s analytics solutions, saving significant amounts of money for businesses globally. Cases have shown estimated annual savings of over $86M.
The technology is developed from data mining research at AU. The ARG has a strong track record in the development of robust and effective methods for various steps in the data mining process, such as feature selection, instance selection, missing data imputation, and rule induction. This has been achieved through the hybridisation of fuzzy sets (that model vagueness and noise) and rough sets (that model indiscernibility).
Having recognised this, UserReplay approached AU and, through successful collaboration, subsequently secured an Innovate UK grant in March 2016. The ARG provided scientific input to and technical support for this project.
The total estimated annualised revenue opportunity is $86.2M. The machine learning technology is used to record, analyse, and segment over 2.5 billion user sessions a month, which would be impossible to achieve manually.
The Impact
Reduced Losses and Better Customer Experience
Adoption of Machine Learning

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Research Impact Case Studies | Research Theme: Technology