Research in Action

From climate-resistant and carbon-reducing crops to improving water quality, informing language policy and contributing to space exploration, Aberystwyth University carries out research that makes a difference to everyday lives. Take a look at the series of case studies we’re pulling together here as we showcase some of the innovative work being carried out by researchers from all disciplines. We’re regularly adding more stories about how our research is making a positive contribution to wider society so do check back to read the latest.

Protecting the world’s natural resources

"Helping governments and policymakers to make better, more sustainable decisions that protect both nature and the people of this planet."

Nature is all around us but at a time when a million species are threatened with extinction, do we always appreciate the full range of benefits we gain as humans from the natural world? And are too many decisions about our planet’s natural resources made for short-term profit and economic growth reasons?

These questions lie at the heart of Michael Christie’s research as Professor of Environmental and Ecological Economics at Aberystwyth University.

Read more

Research Impact Case Studies 2021

Click on the themes below to explore case studies submitted by our researchers to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021, a process of expert review used in the United Kingdom to assess the quality of research carried out by higher education institutions. By demonstrating the impact of the new knowledge generated by our academics, we can show how their work is being translated into real-world outcomes and leading to positive change. 

Research Impact Report


This brochure provides a snapshot of how research and innovation at Aberystwyth are contributing to society and the economy.