Funding and Support

RBI provide support for a range of funding opportunities to enable university staff and students to pursue world-class research and innovation. A non-exhaustive list of funding bodies we support can be found below. 

Research Professional

Research Professional is a highly specialised online database containing current open calls, both nationally and internationally; searchable and sortable.

Aberystwyth University holds a subscription to the service, and as such, from any terminal on campus you may access Research Professional, at:, and you will be automatically taken to the Aberystwyth University institution page.

You can also register for a free account to continue using the service from outside campus.

  • Thousands of Open Calls across all disciplines from over 8,000 funders
  • Accurate, detailed and timely reporting of many opportunities, nationally and internationally
  • Fast and easy search options
  • e-mail alerts customisable to your needs

Research Professional also has many tutorials and guides available on their site, and broadcasted at regular intervals for a greater ease and use. A schedule of services can be found at:

For any further help and advice please contact your Research Development Officer, or e-mail