101. Remembering the Land: Food Supply, Literature and Ecology
Prof Richard Marggraf Turley

This case study concerns impact achieved through collaborative arts-science research on representations of agricultural land and the food chain in the works of two well-known English writers, Shakespeare and Keats.
This collaboration has generated two types of impact, Cultural Life and Public Discourse.
The beneficiaries are a wide range of non-academic publics who have gained access to the research through its global dissemination in media interviews, newspaper features, public lectures, and panel debates.
Beneficiaries' responses through user letters and online comments, blogs, radio call-ins, poetry composition and social media attest to the educative and transformative quality of this research's impact.
Case study: Remembering the Land: Food Supply, Literature and Ecology
Facebook – English and Creative Writing Department, Aberystwyth University
Further Information
Prof Richard Marggraf Turley
- Email: rcm@aber.ac.uk
- Staff Profile - Prof Richard Marggraf Turley
- Research Portal Profile - Prof Richard Marggraf Turley