62. Developing crops to help stem Africa’s growing diabetes problem
Prof Rattan Yadav

Pearl Millet

A project led by scientists at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS) to develop crops – specifically varieties and hybrids of pearl millet – which can thrive in Sub-Saharan Africa, providing a resilient and diabetes friendly food source for local populations.

The Aberystwyth University team, led by Dr Rattan Yadav, has a strong reputation in this field, having just completed a similar project in India.

Pearl millet has been found to help prevent consumers from developing type 2 diabetes, as well as helping sufferers to control their condition.

It has high fibre content as it digested slowly, helping to maintain blood sugar levels over a relatively long period of time.

Drought-resistant Aberystwyth crop helps Africa’s farmers

Further Information

Prof Rattan Yadav

Academic Department

