Mrs Sue Neville

Mrs Sue Neville

Project Manager

Research, Business & Innovation

Contact Details


Date joined RBI and previous employment

Sue joined RBI in July 2022. From 2017, she worked in the Estates Department in the Security Manager role. Before managing Security, she was the Campus Life Manager for all soft facilities within the University’s academic buildings and coordinating a team of 80 staff.

Main responsibilities at previous employment

In Sue’s previous role she was responsible for the day-to-day operations of the 24/7 frontline service and line managed 40 staff. She was accountable for the incident reports, all security related incidents such as student / staff welfare, theft, drugs use, vandalism, and fire evacuations etc.

Education and work experience

Sue holds a Business Management diploma and a Project Management qualification with APM (chartered body for the project profession). Before joining the University in 2016, she held a School Business Manager post for 11 years with specific responsibility for the school’s financial management.

Experience and knowledge

Sue's experience includes Financial and project management.

Main responsibilities within RBI

Currently, Sue is part of the project team that manages the SER Cymru Research projects, this includes keeping the projects on track, supporting the project leads, as well as the financial reporting and quarterly returns /claims.

Most enjoyable part of employment at Aberystwyth University

Sue enjoys working in an organisation that offers exciting career opportunities.