Miss Lisa Fisher

Miss Lisa Fisher

Research Governance and Due Diligence Advisor

Research, Business & Innovation

Contact Details


Date joined RBI and previous employment

Lisa joined RBI in July 2019 and previously worked in the International Office, the Department of Computer Science, and the Department of International Politics.

Main responsibilities at previous employment

In the International Office, Lisa was responsible for student events throughout the year, induction, and welcoming freshers. She offered student support and advice. She also supported the department with international recruitment activities and development. In the Department of Computer Science, her role was School Liaison Officer for an outreach project.

Education and work experience

Lisa's background is in Law, prior to working for the University she was a Paralegal for several local Solicitor firms. She worked mainly within conveyancing and family law.

Experience and knowledge

Lisa has experience of reading and interpreting complex documentation which is really useful for her current role. She is able to explain complex information in a simpler format and has strong attention to detail. She is used to working in fast paced environments to tight deadlines.

Main responsibilities within RBI

Lisa's main responsibilities include providing advice, guidance and training to staff and students across the University on research ethics and integrity to ensure research is conducted according to appropriate ethical, legal and professional frameworks.

Most enjoyable part of working at Aberystwyth University

Lisa really enjoys her current role, the workload is varied and there are always new challenges and things to learn. She finds the job really interesting.