Mr David Dalley

Mr David Dalley

Contact Details


David Dalley is a health psychologist with specific research interest in doctor patient interaction when using telemedicine technologies. David completed his undergraduate degree with Aberystwyth Univerisity in 2014 and contiuned onto his MPhil degree examining interaction in speech language therapy telemedicine consultations.


Telemedicine, doctor-patient interaction, conversation analysis

Office Hours (Student Contact Times)

  • Monday 12.00-14.00
  • Thursday 14.00-15.00


Rahman, R & Dalley, D 2021, Exploring Collaborations Between Social Sciences Academia & The Health Tech Industry. ASPECT.
Dalley, D, Rahman, R & Ivaldi, A 2021, 'Health Care Professionals’ and Patients’ Management of the Interactional Practices in Telemedicine Videoconferencing: A Conversation Analytic and Discursive Systematic Review', Qualitative Health Research, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 804-814. 10.1177/1049732320942346
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