Programme Specifications

Accounting and Finance / Spanish

1 : Awarding Institution / Body
Aberystwyth University

2a : Teaching Institution / University
Aberystwyth University

2b : Work-based learning (where appropriate)

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:


Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

3a : Programme accredited by
Aberystwyth University

3b : Programme approved by
Aberystwyth University

4 : Final Award
Bachelor of Science

5 : Programme title
Accounting and Finance / Spanish

6 : UCAS code

7 : QAA Subject Benchmark

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:



Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

Languages and Related Studies

8 : Date of publication

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

November 2023

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

September 2023

9 : Educational aims of the programme

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

Accounting is concerned with the provision and analysis of information for a variety of decision-making, accountability, managerial, regulatory and resource allocation purposes. Finance is an activity concerned with the workings of national and international capital markets and the interaction between such markets and economic units, such as households, firms, financial institutions and governments. Accounting and Finance takes together these two closely inter-related areas.

The aims of the scheme are:

  • To provide students with subject-specific knowledge and subject-related skills for a career in accountancy, finance; business or related area. These include:

  • How the design, operation and validation of accounting systems affect, and are affected by, the development of accounting theory, individuals, organisations, information technologies, markets, society and the environment. This study is informed by perspectives from the social sciences. Such perspectives may be derived from but are not restricted to, disciplines such as economics, information systems, politics, psychology and sociology

  • The design and operation of financial systems (which includes banks, stock exchanges, financial intermediaries, financial institutions and governments), structures and instruments and, in particular, to understand the pricing of financial assets, the measurement and management of risk, and the possibilities for optimising the behaviours of firms, financial institutions and individuals. Such study can be pursued from a variety of perspectives, including, but not restricted to, the behavioural, ethical, economic, sustainable and statistical/mathematical.

  • To develop transferrable skills which are applicable widely to a range of occupations.

  • To develop an appreciation of the concepts and characteristics of accounting and finance as an area of academic and applied study.

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

  • to develop the learner’s interest in and knowledge and understanding of the Spanish-speaking world, past and present, including the language, culture, history and institutions;

  • to develop a resource of intellectually-trained individuals capable of acting as bridges of understanding and conduits of knowledge between the Spanish-speaking world and British cultures;

  • to develop and enhance students’ communication skills and their capacity both for independent and co-operative working;

  • to release graduates into a wide range of employment contexts as lifelong learners;

10 : Intended learning outcomes

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

The learning outcomes of the Accounting and Finance part of the degree scheme are guided by the two QAA Subject Benchmark statement for Accounting and Finance. The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, skills, qualities and other attributes in the areas that are listed in further detail later in this section.

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

The programme provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, skills, qualities and other attributes in the following areas:

10.1 : Knowledge and understanding

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

  • A1 Knowledge of the contexts in which accounting can be seen as operating (examples of contexts include the legal, ethical, social and natural environment; the accountancy profession; the business entity; the capital markets; the public sector) and why accounting is valuable in these contexts.

  • A2 Knowledge of the main current technical language and practices of accounting (for example, recognition, measurement and disclosure in financial statements; managerial accounting) in a specified socio-economic domain.

  • A3 Knowledge of possible alternative technical languages and practices of accounting (for example, alternative recognition rules and valuation bases, accounting rules followed. in other socio-economic domains, alternative managerial accounting approaches to control and decision-making).

  • A4 Skills in recording and summarising transactions and other economic events; preparation of financial statements; analysis of the operations of business (for example, decision analysis, performance measurement and management control); financial analysis and projections (for example, analysis of financial ratios, discounted cash flow analysis, budgeting, financial risks) and an awareness of the contexts in which accounting data and information is processed and provided within a variety of organisational environments and the relationships with other systems providing information in organisations.

  • A5 Knowledge of contemporary theories and empirical evidence concerning the operation and effects of accounting, including detailed coverage of at least one of its contexts (for example, accounting and accountability; accounting and the firm; accounting and the public sector; accounting and society; ), and the ability to critically evaluate such theories and evidence.

  • A6 An awareness of issues in financial management, risk and the operation of capital markets.

  • A7 An appreciation of the nature of the contexts in which finance can be seen as operating, including knowledge of the institutional framework necessary for understanding the role, operation and function of markets and financial institutions (for example the economic, ethical, legal, political, regulatory, social and tax environment, both national and international; the firm; the capital markets and the public sector).

  • A8 A knowledge of the major theoretical tools and theories of finance, and their relevance and application to theoretical and practical problems (for example, the concept of arbitrage and examples of its use; financial mathematics; informational efficiency; optimal risk sharing; portfolio theory; asset pricing models and the valuation of securities; cost of capital; derivative pricing; risk management; information asymmetry; principal- agenct relationships; signalling; Fisher separation and capital budgeting criteria; behavioural finance; term structure and the movement of interest rates; determination of exchange rates and financial intermediation).

  • A9 An understanding of the relationship between financial theory and empirical testing, and application of this knowledge to the appraisal of the empirical evidence in at least one major theoretical area. The appraisal should involve some recognition of the limitations' and evolution of empirical tests and theory (for example the efficient markets hypothesis; anomalies; risk management pricing of derivatives and other securities; portfolio management; interest rates; exchange rates; raising capital and capital structure).

  • A10 An ability to interpret financial data including that arising in the context of the firm or household from accounting statements and data generated in financial markets. The interpretation should involve analysis using statistical and financial functions and procedures such as are routinely available in spreadsheets and other· statistical/econometric software packages. It may involve the skills necessary to manipulate financial data and carry out statistical and econometric tests (for example estimation and interpretation of asset pricing models; financial modelling and projections; event studies and residuals analysis; elements of time series analysis, such as serial correlation mean reversion, and stochastic volatility).

  • A11 An understanding of the financing arrangements and governance mechanisms and structures of business entities, and an appreciation of how theory and evidence can be combined to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of such arrangements (for example, decisions as to sources of finance and financial structure; the pricing of corporate securities; the market for corporate control; financial planning; and international dimensions of finance).

  • A12 An understanding of the factors influencing the investment behaviour and opportunities of private individuals (for example, bonds, equities, and derivatives; risk aversion; risk/return trade-offs; portfolio management and performance measurement; pensions and long-term savings; the tax treatment of savings and investments; international diversification; foreign exchange risk; objectives of, and constraints on, institutional investors and advisors).

  • A13 An understanding off the financial service activities in the economy, and the factors that are changing these activities over time, and an appreciation of how finance theory and evidence can be employed to aid such understanding (for example, ideas of information asymmetry, moral hazard and risk sharing could be employed to analyse the fundamental nature of services, such as insurance, pensions, bank lending and consumer credit, and also explore fundamental problems arising in such financial service provision;. The efficient market· hypothesis could be used to explore the value added by investment and financial services)

  • A14 An ability to understand financial statements, and a reasonable appreciation of the limitations of financial reporting and disclosure practices and procedures (for example financial statement analysis; the relation between cash flow accounting and accrual accounting; discretionary accounting practices; and financial statement-derived measures of financial performance, including risk).

Learning and Teaching

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated are as follows: Lectures, tutorials, seminars, help classes, case studies, research, data analysis, and computer-assisted learning.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Formal end-of-module examinations, formal and informal in-semester tests (including long form, short form and multiple-choice answer formats), project work / report / case study (individual and group), essay, diary / reflection, formal and informal presentation (individual and group).  

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

A1 Spanish language (spoken and written);

A2 Spanish-language culture in its widest sense (including film, literature and linguistics);

A3 Spanish history and contemporary Spanish society;

A4 key methods and concepts of cultural and/or linguistic analysis;

A5 the position of all of the above in a wider European and world context.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Acquisition of 1 is through small-group classes and regular assessed coursework, with emphasis on group discussions/conversations. Additional support is provided through both assisted and self-access facilities for language learning in the Language Resource Centre. The year abroad provides total immersion in the target language and culture. Acquisition of 2-5 is through a combination of lectures/seminars in year/level 1, and subsequently developed through increasingly seminar-based teaching in later years. Throughout, the learner is encouraged to undertake independent reading both to supplement and to consolidate what is being taught/learnt and to broaden individual knowledge and understanding of the subject.


Testing of the knowledge base is through a combination of unseen written examinations (1-5), assessed coursework (1-5) in the form of essays (1-5), oral examinations and classes (1), other set assignments or tasks undertaken under examination conditions (1-5), and extended essays (1-5).

10.2 : Skills and other attributes

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

10.2.1 Intellectual Skills

  • B1 A capacity for the critical evaluation of arguments and evidence.

  • B2 Analysis, filtering and evaluation of data and drawing reasoned conclusions concerning structured and, to a more limited extent, unstructured problems from a given set of data and from data which must be acquired by the student.

  • B3 Numeracy skills, including the processing and analysis of financial and other numerical data and to appreciate statistical concepts at an appropriate level.

  • B4 Location, extraction and analysis of data from multiple sources, including acknowledging and referencing sources.

  • B5 Using contemporary information and communication technology for the acquisition, analysis and communication of information. Skills in the use of communication and information technology in acquiring, analysing and communicating information (these skills include the use of spreadsheets, word processing software, standard statistical packages; electronic financial databases; the internet and email).

  • B6 Communication skills including the ability to present quantitative and qualitative information together with analysis, argument and commentary in a form appropriate to different intended audiences, and oral as well as written presentation.

  • B7 Capacities for independent and self-managed learning.

  • B8 Experience of working in groups, and other interpersonal skills, and in presenting the results of their work orally as well as in written form.

Learning and Teaching

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated are as follows: Lectures, tutorials, seminars, help classes, case studies, research, data analysis, and computer-assisted learning.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Formal end-of-module examinations, formal and informal in-semester tests (including long form, short form and multiple-choice answer formats), project work / report / case study (individual and group), essay, diary / reflection, formal and informal presentation (individual and group).

10.2.2 Professional practical skills

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  • C1 demonstrate reasonable knowledge of some of the contexts in which accounting operates

  • C2 demonstrate reasonable knowledge and understanding of, and an ability to use, current technical language to describe practices of accounting and an ability to apply them in straightforward structured situations from given data generated for the purpose

  • C3 demonstrate reasonable knowledge and understanding of some alternative technical language and practices and, where relevant within the context of a particular degree course, an ability to apply them in straightforward structured situations from given data generated for the purpose

  • C4 with reasonable accuracy, record and summarise straightforward transactions and other economic events and prepare financial statements complying in outline with relevant regulatory requirements

  • C5 analyse the operations of a business and perform straightforward financial analyses and projections; and demonstrate a reasonable awareness of the contexts in which accounting data and information is processed and provided within a variety of organisational environments, and the relationships with other systems providing information in organisations

  • C6 demonstrate reasonable knowledge and understanding of theories and empirical evidence concerning the effects of accounting in at least one of its contexts

  • C7 demonstrate reasonable awareness of issues of financial management, risk and the operation of capital markets. In cases of degrees with significant finance content see the Subject Benchmark Statement for Finance for required levels of knowledge and understanding

  • C8 demonstrate possession of the required cognitive abilities and non-subject specific skills to a reasonable level of achievement.

  • C9 an appreciation of the nature of the context and institutional framework in which finance operates

  • C10 knowledge of the main theories used in finance and an ability to apply them in straightforward structured situations from given data generated for the purpose.

  • C11 an ability to interpret financial data and carry out straightforward statistical and financial analysis appraisal.

  • C12 an ability to relate empirical evidence to finance theory in at least one of the main areas of finance with a reasonable understanding of the significance and limitations of such evidence.

  • C13 an understanding of the financial needs of business entities, a reasonable appreciation and understanding of how theory and evidence may be used to guide practice; the workings of capital markets; the relationship between risk and return; and the nature and use of financial derivatives.

  • C14 an understanding of the principles of personal investment.

  • C15 an ability to use and interpret the information in financial statements.

  • C16 an understanding of the economic, political, regulatory and social environments in which finance and financial services operates, and the ethical considerations embedded in these operations.

Learning and Teaching

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated are as follows: Lectures, tutorials, seminars, help classes, case studies, research, data analysis, and computer-assisted learning.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Formal end-of-module examinations, formal and informal in-semester tests (including long form, short form and multiple-choice answer formats), project work / report / case study (individual and group), essay, diary / reflection, formal and informal presentation (individual and group).  

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

10.2.1 Intellectual skills

  • B1 reason critically;

  • B2 apply filmic and/or linguistic and/or literary and/or other cultural concepts;

  • B3 identify and solve problems;

  • B4 analyse and interpret;

  • B5 demonstrate and exercise independence of mind and thought.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

Intellectual skills are developed through the teaching and learning programme outlined above (and in section 10). Each course, whatever the format of the teaching, involves discussion of key issues, practice in applying concepts both orally and in writing, analysis and interpretation of material, and feedback for learners on work produced.


The variety of assessment methods employed places great emphasis (as shown in their assessment criteria) on the learner’s ability to demonstrate skills 1-5 through the production of coherent written and oral responses either to problems or tasks set. Most learners produce at least one extended essay during their studies (specifically for the year abroad) which provides a vehicle for the demonstration of these skills.

10.2.2 Professional Practical Skills (where appropriate)

  • C1 retrieve, sift and select information from a variety of sources;

  • C2 plan, undertake and report a bibliographically-based piece of research;

  • C3 speak, write and read Spanish at high or near-native level of proficiency;

  • C4 apply key methods and concepts of cultural and linguistic analysis.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

All learners receive initial guidance on how to identify, locate and use material available in libraries and elsewhere. Bibliographies are provided for each course at the outset, as are guidelines for the production of coursework essays and extended essays. Classes and tutorials are given on cultural, historical and linguistic concepts, and on translation techniques. Students are required to read texts in Spanish for all courses. The year abroad promotes the active learning of language to a high level as well as the development of intercultural awareness.


Skills 1-5 are primarily assessed through coursework (independently produced essays and translation assignments), which forms an integral part of the assessment for all courses in Spanish culture and linguistics. Additionally, skill 4 is assessed in unseen written examinations in these areas. Language is assessed throughout in oral classes (in which a topic presentation and active participation contribute to the assessment), by coursework and by unseen written examination.

10.3 : Transferable/Key skills

Information provided by Aberystwyth Business School:

By the end of their programme, all students are expected to be able to demonstrate:

  • D1 Problem solving skills

  • D2 Research skills

  • D3 Communication skills

  • D4 Improving own learning and performance

  • D5 Teamwork skills

  • D6 Information technology skills

  • D7 Quantitative skills

  • D8 Personal development and career planning

Learning and Teaching

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated are as follows: Lectures, tutorials, seminars, help classes, case studies, research, data analysis, and computer-assisted learning.

Assessment Strategies and Methods

Formal end-of-module examinations, formal and informal in-semester tests (including long form, short form and multiple-choice answer formats), project work / report / case study (individual and group), essay, diary / reflection, formal and informal presentation (individual and group).

Information provided by Department of Modern Languages:

  • D1 structure and communicate ideas effectively both orally and in writing;

  • D2 manage time and work to deadlines;

  • D3 participate constructively in groups;

  • D4 work independently;

  • D5 find information and use information technology;

  • D6 be self-reliant;

  • D7 assess the relevance and importance of the ideas of others.

Teaching, learning and assessment methods used to enable outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated

All courses except FR10210 require regular written work, usually in the form of essays, and regular feedback on this is given to the learner to develop not only their understanding but also their powers of expression (1). Skill 2 is learnt (rather than taught) through the management of time to meet the various and sometimes conflicting deadlines (all notified at the outset of each course) for submission of coursework. Skills 3 and 7 are developed in classes, seminars and tutorials, which rely on discussion and interaction, as well as presentations given by individuals or groups of learners. Skills 4 and 6 are particularly developed during the year abroad, for which learners are prepared in advance. IT skills are largely developed through individual learning.


Effective communication of ideas is an important criterion in assessing all areas of a learner’s work, and the regular feedback as well as the final mark reflect this. Skills 4, 6 and 7 are assessed by both the coursework and extended essays produced, which although supervised, are nevertheless the results of independent thought and work/research by the learner. Skill 5 is assessed through the assembly of necessary information for essays, etc., and their production on PCs. Skill 3 is assessed in oral classes. Skills 2 is not formally assessed.

11 : Program Structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards

BSC Accounting and Finance / Spanish [NR44]

Academic Year: 2023/2024Joint Honours scheme - available from 2014/2015

Duration (studying Full-Time): 4 years
Last intake year: 2023/2024

Part 1 Rules

Year 1 Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Fundamentals of Accounting and Finance

Semester 2

Accounting and Finance for Specialists


Data Analytics

Year 1 Timetable Core/Student Option

SPANISH ADVANCED: you must take:

Semester 1

Spanish Language Advanced

Semester 2

Spanish Language Advanced

Year 1 Timetable Core/Student Option

SPANISH BEGINNERS: you must take:

Semester 1

Beginners Spanish 1

Semester 2

Beginners Spanish 2

Year 1 Options

SPANISH ADVANCED: you must take SP10610 and must also choose an additional 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:

Semester 1

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Hispanic Civilization


Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Studies

Semester 2

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe

Year 1 Options

SPANISH BEGINNERS: you must choose 20 credits of the following or other Level 1 content modules:

Semester 1

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe


Study and Research Skills in Spanish and Latin American Studies

Semester 2

Introduction to European Film


Language, Culture, and Identity in Europe

Part 2 Rules

Year 2 Core (40 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Spanish Language

Semester 2

Spanish Language


Language of Business and Current Affairs 1

Year 2 Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Intermediate Financial Accounting


Intermediate Management Accounting


Corporate Finance and Financial Markets

Semester 2

Intermediate Financial Accounting


Intermediate Management Accounting


Corporate Finance and Financial Markets

Year 2 Options

You must choose 20 credits of the following Level 2 SP or IC modules:

Semester 1

Extended Essay Module


The Spanish Avant-Garde


Spanish American Cinema

Semester 2

Extended Essay Module


Cuba in Revolution

Year 3 Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Year Abroad Assessment

Semester 2

Year Abroad Assessment

Year 3 Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Abroad Year Credits

Semester 2

Abroad Year Credits

Final Year Core (60 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Advanced Financial Accounting


Advanced Management Accounting


Investments and Financial Instruments

Semester 2

Advanced Financial Accounting


Advanced Management Accounting


Investments and Financial Instruments

Final Year Core (30 Credits)

Compulsory module(s).

Semester 1

Spanish Language

Semester 2

Spanish Language

Final Year Options

You must choose 30 credits of the following Level 3 SP or EL modules:

Semester 1



Extended Essay Module


Seeing Spain Through Cinema


Reading Late 19th Century Literature

Semester 2



Extended Essay Module


Cuba in Revolution


Traducción al español

12 : Support for students and their learning
Every student is allocated a Personal Tutor. Personal Tutors have an important role within the overall framework for supporting students and their personal development at the University. The role is crucial in helping students to identify where they might find support, how and where to seek advice and how to approach support to maximise their student experience. Further support for students and their learning is provided by Information Services and Student Support and Careers Services.

13 : Entry Requirements
Details of entry requirements for the scheme can be found at

14 : Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of teaching and learning
All taught study schemes are subject to annual monitoring and periodic review, which provide the University with assurance that schemes are meeting their aims, and also identify areas of good practice and disseminate this information in order to enhance the provision.

15 : Regulation of Assessment
Academic Regulations are published as Appendix 2 of the Academic Quality Handbook:

15.1 : External Examiners
External Examiners fulfill an essential part of the University’s Quality Assurance. Annual reports by External Examiners are considered by Faculties and Academic Board at university level.

16 : Indicators of quality and standards
The Department Quality Audit questionnaire serves as a checklist about the current requirements of the University’s Academic Quality Handbook. The periodic Department Reviews provide an opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of quality assurance processes and for the University to assure itself that management of quality and standards which are the responsibility of the University as a whole are being delivered successfully.