Mr Egwuagha Okoro

Planning Assistant - Analytics and Business Intelligence
Contact Details
- Email:
- Phone: +44 (0) 1970 621649
Egwuagha Victor Okoro
Planning Assistant - Analytics and Business Intelligence
Contact Details
Office: 2nd Floor, Cledwyn Building, Penglais Campus, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion, SY23 3DD
Phone +44 (0) 1970621649
Additional Information
Victor has extensive experience in data (including spatial and temporal) analysis and currently carry out analysis of higher education (HE) data in Planning department at Aberystwyth University.
Victor has been involved in the analysis of hydrological/hydraulic and engineering survey data in Flood and Coastal Risk Management (FCRM) department with Environment Agency in Newcastle Upon Tyne. He has also analysed earth observation (EO) data with Environment Agency Geomatics in Bath.
While working for United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) in Angola as EDP/GIS specialist, Victor provided data processing and Geographic Information System (GIS) support for protection and assistance sector operations for Refugee & internally displaced persons (IDPs). As part of his duties, he managed UNHCR refugee and environmental databases.
Victor has served as engineering hydrologist with Water & Dam services (consulting engineers) company in Nigeria analysing hydrological & hydraulic data for civil & water engineering projects such as the Gurara Water Transfer Project (Abuja Water Scheme) and Rehabilitation & Augmentation of Enugu Water Scheme (Oji river artesian borehole project).
Course Viewer
- Analyse university league table (CUG, Guardian, Times) results in MS Excel.
- Extract National Student Survey (NSS) result from Texuna result dissemination portal and perform analysis in MS Excel.
- Analyse and present report of Annual monitoring of taught schemes (AMTS).
- Analyse Extra mural (Lifelong Learning) and Distance Learning Student data.
- Analyse international student application and recruitment data.
- Visualise and disseminate processed data from various sources (including Oracle & MS SQL Server databases) using business intelligence tool such as Power BI and Heidi Plus (Tableau Server).
- Maintain current planning Power BI online reports/dashboards:
- UG application
- PG application
- Student number
- Withdrawal
- Schools
- Design and build new Power BI Reports/Dashboards.
- Forecast/Model student number for decision making.
- Provide Excel training support for research skill development.