Hope and Harmony: A night of music, poetry and Syrian cuisine
25 October 2023
An evening of food and entertainment will be held in Aberystwyth to raise funds for local causes supporting those who have suffered the effects of war.
‘Hope and Harmony: A night of music, poetry and Syrian Cuisine’ takes place at 6.30pm on Saturday 4 November at St Paul's Methodist Centre, Aberystwyth.
The event is being hosted by Aberystwyth-based organisations Aberaid, Ukraine Train and the Syrian Dinner Project, with support from Aberystwyth University, as part of the University’s Festival of Research on the theme of The Pursuit of Peace.
The evening will begin with traditional dishes prepared by the Syrian Dinner Project, followed by classical music performances by Philomusica of Aberystwyth under the direction of Aberystwyth University’s Director of Music, Iwan Teifion Davies, and poetry readings by Mererid Hopwood, Matthew Jarvis and Eurig Salisbury.
There will be a small display of photographs from a recent visit to care centres in Ukraine, and local Ukrainian artist Victoria Kazymova will show her tryptych: Ukraine in my heart.
Proceeds from the evening will benefit Aberaid (a registered charity which supports refugees in Ceredigion), Ukraine Train (which takes essential supplies and equipment to those suffering in Ukraine) and the Syrian Dinner Project.
Tickets for the fundraising evening are £30 and can be booked at: www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/fundraiser-hope-and-harmony-a-night-of-music-poetry-and-syrian-cuisine-tickets-730426504337
‘Hope and Harmony: A night of music, poetry and Syrian Cuisine’ is part of the University’s Festival of Research – The Pursuit of Peace, which takes place from 1-7 November and is free and open to all.